Monday, February 13, 2006

2006 Beazie Awards

I'm sittin' here with The Earl (that would be Earl Grey tea not a strange British nobleman-now that I think of it a British nobleman would be rather nice to go along with the tea-but I digress). Since tomorrow is Valentine's Day, when we celebrate that great thing called Love, I thought I'd kick it off with a spin of my own.

A brief description of the Beazies: they are my Bea Thankful Awards where I recognize people who have impacted my life be it in a major or minor way. After a dark night of the soul last year it became clear to me that I had many things and people to acknowledge. Without them I would not be who I am today. To bastardize a quote from the movie Lord of the Rings-Return of the King-these people bow to no one, for the planet is a better place with them on it.

So it begins:

The Peter Gabriel-San Jacinto Award goes to Mighty LD. I hold the line for you bro and I got your back. Thank you for doing the same for me, no one could ask for a better big brother (I know you're not related to me but I still think of you that way)

The "What are you, high?" Award goes to Steph-I am humbled by your wisdom and support. Thank you for keeping it real.

The Long Distance Shout Out Award goes to Mes Canadiennes (thought I'd shock you and do it in your second language-sorry about the accents I don't know how to do them on a Mac)
Mademoiselle Sheri et Mademoiselle Sara-Vous etes tourjours a mon coeur. Merci de votre amour et le soutenez. Je ne sais pas ce que je ferais sans vous. Vous etes tres belle. Les mots n'expriment pas ma gratitude. Le monde est un meilleur endroit avec vous dans lui.

Thanks and Love in the Dali Llama Style Award goes to my sisters Bren-llama and Kelly-llama
I am blessed with your presence. I may not always agree with you (like that time Kelly took my pic in the church when I was all kinds of hung over) but I respect you both.

Mom, I love you. I miss you. Thank you for giving me life, being so selfless, giving me strength and courage.

Bill Callahan-Thank you for your generosity, love and care.

The Crazy Lads at work, I thank you for providing me with hours of ceaseless amusement, for the breakfast yummies and for buying me lunch.

Thanks to every school teacher I've ever had, you opened up so many new worlds, the debt I owe you is great.


  1. Bea,

    Pardon the bad french but I had to reply the same way. Forgive me if I've totally butchered it.

    Mon bon amie. Je suis reconnaissant vous et le temps où nous avons passé. Je suis reconnaissant pour votre rire et votre coeur aimable. J'aime le votre chèrement et ne sais pas ce que je ferais sans vous dans ma vie. Vous avez un ans dans un million. Merci des mots aimables.

    Amour toujours


  2. I now have my own blog. Yup I did it

    If you want to take a look ;o)


  3. LMAO oh Sheri ton francais n'est pas bebe!!! Cool, thanks for the link shall I add it to my list?

  4. My french sucks then eh? You'd never know the family was French Canadian! Truly though, I hope you understood the message of what I was saying.

    Yes please add my link to your list.

    Have a good morning hon.


  5. Sorry I had to run this afternoon, my district manager was standing at my desk.

  6. Awww, Bea, that's so nice! *huge hugs* Forgive me for not replying in French, I like the skills Sheri does hehe. I can read it no problem just don't ask me to speak it lol. Now Spanish on the other hand, THAT I can do hehe.

    Huge hugs to you, Bea! You're the best. :o)

  7. Awww Sara!!!! LOL Hugs backatcha doll!
