Sunday, February 26, 2006

Great Big Sea Moment

A blast from the past!
I feel the need to start a sing a long ladies.
Sing with me, even if it's off key
have a good time and name this rhyme!!!!!

Here I go again
my heart's on the line
I'm willing to pretend one more time
I got some life to spend
on even rhymes
when I reach the end
will you,
will you,
be mine?


  1. This time I know
    you're not the answer to my prayer
    And I have grown with each disappointment
    through the years
    And as bad as I am,
    and as bad as I am
    I'm still here!!!!

  2. LOL Sara lol I fear my singing set the neighborhood hounds to a frightful racket this evening lol. Thanks for sharing the Great Big Sea moment, brings back fun memories.

  3. .....whipped scream.....ROFLMAO couldn't resist

  4. Thanks for reminding me of the GOOG times!


  5. LMAO ahhh Yes those fun days in Spin Chat; me nasal jetting red
