Monday, June 05, 2006

Are You Dixie or Yankee??

This is a fun little quiz. I scored 45% Dixie-barely Yankeedom lol strange considering I grew up in the northeast lol Go figure??!!

Just click on the title link and be sure to post your scores!!!


  1. Not particularly shocking actually. 36% Dixie. I am definitely a Yankee. HOW FUN!!!

  2. 40% Dixie. You are definitely a Yankee.

    I concur. Besides my use of y'all and folks, I'm yankee through and through. :0) Never lived in the South or East.

  3. Oh Lordy I'm surrounded by Yankees LOL I've lived in MD for 15 years so I'm really a southern import. It's a cute quiz though isn't it?

  4. 36% Dixie. You are definitely a Yankee.

    back and proud to be a damn yankee. sorry for the lapse - computer problems.

    hope all is well,

  5. 35% Dixie. You are definitely a Yankee.

    Which is cute considering I am Canadian ;o)

  6. S!!!!! Glad to see you're back. LOL Hope the computer issues are solved. I miss your comments.

  7. SB-Yankee in this case is in reference to peple who live above the Mason Dixon Line (an invisible line of definition during the American Civil War). It means Northerner.

    Dixie means someone who is in the south.

    LOL Sher-it's right on!!

  8. Wow....55% Dixie. Barely in Dixie.

    Yeah, it's no wonder though. My Mother is a British/Canadian, while Daddy's Texas grown. =) I always was partial to Daddy...

  9. LOl Ro, they're in SC I believe

  10. LOL Me 77% Dixie-rock on with your southern self!!!!

  11. 48% Dixie. Barely in Yankeedom. Very Interesting!! After all I'm a VA, MN, TX and back to VA mut! I guess I picked up a little bit of everything along the way (and the PA & NC influences of Mom & Dad). Great quiz- thanks Bea!
    ~Fab : )

  12. i have to be a historian dork for just a moment. the mason-dixon line was a line of measurement taken about 20 years before the civil war started. it runs between pennsylvania and maryland. the official north-south line for the war was below maryland. over time, the mason-dixon line has become associated with the civil war, though the two actually have nothing to do with one another.

    sorry. even i feel like a dork now.


  13. Thanks for the correction S, now I feel like an asshole.

  14. 44% Dixie. Barely in Yankeedom.

    which is soooo weird. I gerw up in southern california, have lived in Pittsburgh for the past 6 years and spent maybe a month total in New York visiting in-laws

    I guess Southern California can be considered part of "The South" technically. I've never considered my self southern. If anything I'd say I come from a good Californio family.
