Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I thought things were going to improve. Somehow, it's just not working out that way. I'm beginnign to wonder if that light at the end of the tunnel is actaully daylight or perhaps it's an on coming train? Beam me up Scotty!


  1. Bea, it's light at the end of the tunnel. Keep your chin up honey and think of everything you've accomplished in the past year.

    You've lost how much weight?

    You're an amazing woman. Don't forget that.

    Love Sheri

  2. Thank you hon. I'm down 110 lbs and counting-a good thing : ) Things are looking up, I just need to focus on positive stuff. Miss ya!

  3. Hey Bea,

    I hope you're doing well. I actually posted ob my blog!!! Yes it's been nearly a year! Don't fall over now, just skip on over to my blog and take a peek.

