Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Old Habits

Ok I've gotta come clean. I am craving a cigarette. I would like to say that I quit smoking because it's good for me and for others who might have been exposed to second hand smoke; that would be a lie. I just couldn't afford it anymore. I was always very careful when I smoked. Rarely did I fire-up around non-smokers because well, it just didn't seem right to inflict my habits on them. I miss the taste but I do not miss the cost. But every now and then, after dinner I get the urge to go buy a pack of smokes and power smoke them like there's no tomorrow. The smell of sulfur as the match ignites followed by the first sweet inhilation, a coil of bue smoke floats lazily through the room *sigh* those days are over. Reality sets in and I grab a straw, or some gum or an Egg shaped Tootsie Pop to curb the habit that dies hard. Why is it that I still can't kick this habit? I think it's just stress and it will pass. But I still want that cigarette!!!

-Movie Quote of the Day:

Charles De Mar: (giving skiing instructions) Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn.
-Better Off Dead


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