Wednesday, April 27, 2005

First Day O'Work

Whooo Hoooo! It's 8:30 am and I'm on my first temporary assignment. I've been told that it will be slow today which is why I'm doing the blog thing. I cannot remember the last time I woke up at 5:30 am for the morning rush hour around Baltimore's Beltway, which by the way is still as goofy as ever. Nothin' like sitting in traffic slurping Earl Grey Tea at 7 am listening to all the accidents on the radio traffic report. I got permission from my boss before doing this so it's all approved and I'm not being a horrid employee.

I spoke to my sister last night and it occured to me that I am very fortunate. I have a sister that loves me. When I was growing up I thought she hated me because she would always walk faster than I could (we're twins-she's 19 minutes older than I am) walking to and from school. She was smarter and more popular, hung out with all the "cool" people in high school, was a cheerleader-she was the opposite of me. I was the "theatre geek", the loner, had a small defined circle of friends that I rarely deviated from, I was a horrid student and never really applied myself. And so after all these years I've learned that she never hated me and in fact loves me very much. I guess things appear differently when you're older. I never knew that she cared so much, and it humbles me. I was not aware that there was so much emotional support around me-D'OH- Pulled a "Homer" on that one.

So the real estate agent is coming on friday to look at Casa Bea to tell me:
1- What I have to do to get my house sold
2- The price of the lovely, yet repair ridden house
We'll see what happens.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the gig. Remember, short term goals, long term goals. Listen to the Universe.

Wed Apr 27, 12:21:00 PM 2005  

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