Thursday, July 14, 2005

I never thought I would see this but, there are tumble weeds blowing down the hall in my office...naaaaaahhh just kidding!!! It's a very slow afternoon and I'm thinking about Bacon and Chowda. Why do I rename all the men in my life after food? Is there some kind of vitamin deficiency that forces me to do this? Do I just have snacks on the brain??? No, I think it's because I crave them as one occasionally tastes for chocolate or potato chips or hell both at the same time are pretty darned nice! Chips and chocolate not Chowda and Bacon (although...NOPE not going there folks)

On a completley different note. I'm losing weight rapidly which is good, but the pants I bought four weeks ago are so big that my belt no longer holds them up and it looks like I've got a load in my backside. The "Load-in-the-Drawers" look goes out of style after you're pottie trained and doesn't really work that well for a thirty something adult. Short semi-round woman in baggie pants says "Scruffy-poorly dressed-chick" not "Gee she's stylin' today" and I loathe to shop for clothes. I would rather paint (by myself mind you) the exterior of a four story Victorian farm house rather than enter the Mall. There is nothing as disconcerting as looking at myself in clothing store mirrors. I just can't take it which is why I think I'll start shopping on line.


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