Thursday, March 23, 2006

It's 1:09 pm and I need a drink, a BIG one-no ice-neat. I want to run screaming from the building, dive beneath a comforter and forget that the alarm clock went off at 6:00 am. Quarter end has this effect on me. The office tone becomes urgent and my work ethic becomes a game of how much stress I take in a 24 hour time period. The phones become clogged with frantic sales reps trying to make their numbers, double check their quotas and somehow their personalities change overnight from decent kind human being to demanding 3 year olds with attitudes. I am also barraged by the strange and unusual calls-the ones where I put them on hold while I spend an inordinate amount of time finding the solution. Mentally, I get pulverized from 8-5 during the last two weeks of March, June, September and December; coming home bruized, rattled and wondering why I like this office so much. I know the answer, it's the people and what I am able to do for them. But there are times when I pass the point of no return and my Supa Bea cape looses its magical powers. I become an "On the Verge of Tears" mess. This is one of those days. Hopefully I will summon the strength to pull it together and keep the pace, otherwise I'll be run over.


Blogger Sheri said...

I know the feeling hon. We're short staffed and at year's end. With the person being needed in accounting. I am doing my best to try and help but end up feeling like a total retard. I walked into the VP's office with actual tears in my eyes in frustration the other day. He told me suck it up and perhaps get laid more often. Then he help up two of his apples he brought with his lunch to his chest and said in a sing - song voice, "Don't I have nice titties?" I cracked up. It was priceless!

They told me today, they're hiring someone for the accounting position next week - wahoo!

Thu Mar 23, 08:16:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Bea said... the apple thing...hell I can't get laid to save my soul at the moment. I just found out that Sparkie (dude I had date with) has a regular chick. *bangs head against wall*

Fri Mar 24, 09:08:00 AM 2006  

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