Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Beazies

After ranting yesterday I have realized that I may be poor and almost destitute but there are many blessings in my life. So in my own fashion I offer up the "Bea-thankful Awards" also knows as "The Beazies". I recognize the following people, living and dead, who continue to inspire me:

My Mother-The depth of your love humbles me to this very day. I don't know how you did it, but you did it.

My Father- Thank you for the lessons on how not to treat other human beings.

Bill Callahan-No one could have a finer teacher and friend. Your unfailing support, spirit and love will never be matched again.

Brenllama and Kellyllama-I am thankful for the lessons in sisterhood and love.

Jedi Master Cliff-Your courage and wit know no rival. Thank you for the many conversations and support on those dark nights of the soul. I am proud to call you my friend. (I miss our lightsabre battles)

Bacon-Thank you for teaching me about compassion, great photography, sparkling political debates, and finally for a very special reason. You are the only man who has ever made me orgasm-one never forgets the first one.

Kathy H- No one could have a finer surrogate mother. Thank you for the love.

Amy H-Thank you for the books, life-assistance, and margaritas.

Joanna B-Thanks for your support, advice and employment assistance.

The Canadians:

Sara J- Thank you for friendship, listening and good advice.

Sheri- Thank you for your support, friendship and willingness to share information. You are a combination of beauty and strength.

Ang B-Thank you for your sense of humor and your friendship.

Jim & Lillie F-Thank you for your artistic abilities and gifts of music, HAM radio advice and hospitality.

For anybody that I've not listed, thank you for helping me along the road of life.

Quote for the day:

Generosity to the poor
Good counsel to friends
Tolerance with enemies
Indifference to fools
Respect to the learned.

-Sheikh Abdullah Ansari-Sufi Law of Life


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