Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Post Moving Come Down

Thanks to all who responded to the moving post (either by e mail or on the site). I've almost finished unpacking, got some fine tuning to do in the kitchen but aside from that I'm done!

Had a lovely holiday weekend with my Uncle and his family. Paddled around in the pool with my cousins, nieces and nephews playing Marco Polo, creating giant whirlpools by getting the family(roughly 11 people) to jog in the water counterclockwise around the pool and of course Dunking Monster (I, of course was da Monsta). Worked on my savage tan and now no longer reflect light that is cast upon my once alabaster skin. It's nice not to glow in the dark anymore, not that I'm radioactive, it's just that I was so white I make pure snow look filthy. Thank the Tanning Gods for 30 sunblock. Ate picnic food, toasted marshmallows and had a very nice time. I was totally exhausted when I got home last night-all that fresh air, exercise and sunshine.

Moving On...

I'm wondering if I will ever find someone that makes me feel special again. I bear no malice toward Bacon. It was time for our relationship to end and I wish him the best that life has to offer. I must admit that my wicked eye has fallen on a co-worker, he's from the northeast and to protect his identity he shall be known henceforth as "Chowder" or "Chowda" because he's creamy, dreamy, looks like he'd keep someone warm on a cold winter night and a mighty morsel for the eyes. I have vowed never to date a co-worker again due to Stalker-Ex-Boyfriend-From-Hell-Experience in the early 90's that almost resulted in restraining order. But there's something about Chowda that is fun. He's got a great sense of humor, although I've heard through the office grapevine (consists of only three women so it's pretty reliable) that he does have a temper. Much to my chagrin he has given me a new nickname and now all the guys in the office address me by it (relax-it's clean but I can't tell you because it would blow my identity for Bea is not really my name). Plans are on the boards to retaliate with a gag gift box for Mister Chowda...I'll keep you informed on the progress.


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