Thursday, September 01, 2005

A Bit of a Rant Here

There are no words to express the profound sorrow that I feel for the victims of the most recent hurricane. I have stopped watching the news because there are no more tears in me left for these pitiful souls. I refuse to donate to the Red Cross for personal reasons but I have donated a large sum to Charity Hospital in New Orleans in the vain hope that it might help them rebuild. I do not have large piles of cash-o-la lying around but I do have breath in my lungs, a roof over my head, working air conditioning and running water, blessings that many do not have today. I am horrified by Dubya's inability to grasp the seriousness of this situation. And just why the fuck is the Dept of National Security handling this? We have FEMA-they're experts in this kind of thing and hell, the National Security Dept can't even protect the country-so we're giving this massive responsibility of helping these flood victims to the most inept department on the planet? Have I just dropped IQ points or do we all see the stupidity in this move? I don't think I've ever felt this degree of anger over such an inept, inert, and idiotic president in my life. He cruises over the devistated region in Air Force One (mind you-while the gas prices rise over $5 a gallon-and who's paying for it-the taxpayers of course he sure as shit ain't picking up the tab). He can't be bothered to actually meet people from this devistated region, perhaps to soothe their worries, show them that he does have some concern for their sorrows- but no-the closest he can get is 5,000 feet in the air- what an asshole. I am not impressed with his brainless rhetoric and false sympathies. During both terms of his presidency he has spent more time on vacation at the ranch than he has in the Oval Office. This country needs a strong, intelligent leader. A human being who has living brain cells and who is willing to actually work for the people that elected him/her rather than watching their suffering from a safe distance. Gee wouldn't it be nice to actually have a President who encouraged cohesion rather than excelling in pissing off countries who could've been our allies; a leader who represents all walks of people from this country not just the religious right. Wait that would mean Dubya and his cronies would lose money because people wouldn't be dying in this country or in the Middle East(his administration still hasn't proven the link between Osama Bin Laden and Sadam Hussein-and whoa Nelly where are those weapons of mass destruction that we were all told existed? Are they like the Tooth Fairy, the Big Bad Wolf and other fabricated tales from the Brothers Grimm) Living can be such a bitch can't it-especially if you make your living off the destruction of others. I say impeach the bastard and vote his corrupt administration out of office. Lets all take a step in the right direction-stop the death, stupidity and war mongering. There has been enough destruction and pain. Let the healing begin.


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