Sunday, May 15, 2005

The fun just never stops when you're selling a home. I pulled out the stops and got the garage door open, don't have to call a locksmith. I hadn't been in it for years and I think some of the roof beams need to be replaced. My fridge is also about to die. There was a large pool of water in the bottom of it this morning and I'm wondering if it too will need to be replaced. Like I need to be spending more money. The home inspection is on wednesday and I'm hoping for the best.

On a lighter note, I went to the local Hair Cuttery and got a disasterous haircut. I was disturbed when she called another hair dresser over and began to ask questions about how she should cut my hair...this did not bode well. When she finished I raced out of the store, came home and put a baseball cap on to hide the horror. I left a message for my previous hair dresser in Frederick(an hour and a half away) to see if she can fit me into her schedule to correct the damage. I have no idea what the woman was thinking while she clipped me but the Bee Gees are singing at my house today. (Tragedy, when the feelin's gone and ya can't go on...tragedy, it's hard to bear with no one beside you, you're going nowhere...) My hairstyle resembles some kind of mutated mullet and I wish I could wear a paper bag over my head to work tomorrow. It's not fashionable to wander about the office in brown paper but then again I'm not looking forward to, "Oh my God who did that to you?" comments. I never was on the cutting edge of fashion but this haircut makes me want to shave my head and pretend I'm Yul Brenner. Well perhaps a short, fat Yul wearing a bag over my head? UGH!


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