Thursday, May 19, 2005

Thursday Warm Fuzzy

I did not want to come into work today and would rather be waiting in line to see the final installment of Star Wars. Hopefully I'll see it this weekend. Hoooo Hahhhhh!

I was walking past one of the three large conference rooms here at work and I overheard a man speaking to his wife on his cell phone. Not that I wander the halls eavesdropping but I thought it was very touching that he used loving terms of endearment. It made me think that when you're having a rough time, all it takes is a kind word of encouragement or a murmured "Hi Honey" to turn your day around. I guess words are really more powerful than the sword.

On a far different is just my imagination or is the Islamic right identical to the Christian right in this country. I mean both groups are convinced that their doctrine is the One True Path, they're both very conservative in their life styles, they're extremley inflexible; even though the Quran and Bible both say that killing is a sin-both of these groups seem to endorse it with vigor (blowing up clinics, killing innocent hostages, the Crusades, The Inquisition, just about every war that's ever taken place, etc.) Both are righteously convinced that their way is the ONLY way and the rest of the planet should live by their standards, because for some unknown reason, God spoke only to them and told them that this was The Plan. Why didn't God tell everybody? Why does God only talk to them and not the rest of us? Personally, I think the Creator likes diversity which is why there are so many differences between races, cultures, animals, plants and people. Why not celebrate and embrace our differences? Why is it that mankind's reaction is fear when presented with something that is different? Wouldn't it be a dull planet if there was only one kind of plant, one kind of water, and populated by clones? Where's the fun in that?
My thought is that beliefs are good things but inflicting your beliefs upon someone else is unfair. Killing someone because they don't agree with you is just plain goofy. That's like killing someone because they wore plaid pants to work. Depending on the pattern of the plaid it might be a bit rough on the eyes but basically harms no one. That person might believe that the pants are fabulous, which is just fine they don't need to die over a choice.


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