Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Heroes and Comic Books

I've cancelled my Comcast because it's just too darned expensive. The only stations I miss are Food TV, the Pet Channel and of course HBO (I'm missing the newest season of Rome but I just can't afford $125/mo for TV ya know??!!) I signed up for Netflix, which I must say is mighty fine indeed. I received 2 of my 250 chosen films last night and had a minor film festival. I did not realize that I had rented two very different films about comic books and heroes until I actually sat down to watch them, I felt like a complete bonehead when I read the jacket covers, you'd think I would have read about them on the Netflix website.

Unbreakable - Directed and written by M. Night Shyamalan

I'm a fan of this guy's work. I like the way he writes, shoots and edits his films, reminds me of the Golden Age of film when stars had class. Unlike today where Skank-Bag Paris Hilton is worshipped-I just don't get it? The only talent this girl has is going to parties and worshiping herself...what kind of message are we sending to kids by giving this poor excuse for a meeting between sperm and egg so much press? Getting back to the film which had some pacing problems. Samuel Jackson was superb and Willis can do no wrong in my book. I found it interesting even if it was a bit slow. Not everything in life happens at the speed of light.

Sin City-Directed by Robert Rodriguez with Quentin Tarantino riding directorial coat-tails (sorry not a big fan of Quentin)

Really enjoyed Sin City's cinematic film noir style...just brilliant! It's based on Frank Miller's graphic novels, which I think is a comic book for grown ups?? Don't know, have never read one. Wish that I could've seen it on the big screen because that's what this film was made for. Adored Mickey Rourke, the fabulous Mister Willis and those deep gravled tones of Del Toro. Oddly enough Elijah Wood plays this really creepy character-he was in effect-The Anti-Frodo. He never spoke, wore glasses and looked terribly frightening in a "Stealthy Axe Murder Way". If you enjoyed El Mariachi, Desperado, and The Maltese Falcon I'm sure you'd like Sin City.

I had a delightful evening and am looking forward to my next round of films.

Since I can rent as many as I want I'd like your opinions-gentle readers...are there any films that you'd reccomend to me?


Anonymous Anonymous said... areas. let the geeking begin. unbreakable i liked, but shyamalan is a one-trick pony and that alone has turned me off to his stuff. how many times can you play the same twist before someone catches on? i'm thinking twice.

go easy on tarantino. it was rodriguez who brought him in to direct the scene. the reason: the two are great friends and our buddy q was suspicious of the digital realm. rob was trying to get him interested in working in the medium.

sin city - amazing flick. frank miller: most famously known for writing a batman piece called 'the dark knight returns'. i got to this reply first, but i'm sure ld can tell ya plenty about that one. graphic novels: originally a collected version of already-published comic books. a series bound together. over time, though, some have become basically longer versions of a comic book. a full story rather than episodes. oh, and comics are for adults! (dorking moment).

last thought: frank miller was a co-director.

here endeth the geeking...for now at least. i'll get back to you on movie recommendations.

Wed Jan 25, 03:20:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Bea said...

S-lol-i'm charmed by shyamalan's stuff, and i like ponies lmao...sin city, i watched the extras on the cd and know that rodriguez brought Q in and they appear to be good buds-which is fine but i still think QT is a pretentious i would like to see more of frank miller's stuff, interesting movie, fascinating choices good stuff all the way around...will wait for your choices!!!!

Wed Jan 25, 03:46:00 PM 2006  

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