Thursday, April 06, 2006


Today's Topic:

Train Wrecks

It's not the literal train car pile up I'm referring to; it's the human kind. Defined as a personal disaster of epic proportion; the inability to stop and look at the invading army to determine the severity of their onslaught; intentional and unconscious desire for unlimited heartache, stupidity and performing general acts of personal humiliation. We all have done this or watched those that we care for experience it; which begs the question-why? Why do we do it and if others can see it coming and try to warn us, why don't we listen? Are human beings so obtuse that vision beyond one's own navel is impossible? (I include myself in this goofiness) Chugging down the tracks of life, unavoidable disaster looms, friends and complete strangers, in abject horror bear witness to possible agony, they sound blasts of warning-we ignore them and continue flying along until heartache, wounded soul and diminished ego pile up like derailed boxcars and we are forced to stop by the brutal force raining down upon us.
Why do we do this?
Why do we choose not to listen?
I have no definitive answer yet, still working on it.
Got any clues? Don't be shy, reply.


Blogger Sheri said...

Bea, I wish I could give you an answer to that question. However, I am the epitomy of train wrecks!

Good topic though!

Thu Apr 06, 10:53:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Bea said...

Oh Sher, you aren't a train wreck lol I refuse to believe that lol.

Fri Apr 07, 07:34:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Sara said...

No, Sher. My friend Steve has you beat. I think he's the king of train wrecks....avoidable and unavoidable. Except it sends him into an emotional tailspin every time making it a huge emotional ordeal for not only himself to deal with but everyone around him as well. But, he's a gem of a friend and one that's worth dealing with the heartache with. Mind you, I don't resist the urge to tell him when he's being an idiot lol. The truth hurts but sometimes you just have to hear it.

Bea, I'm like Sheri. There really is no explaination for why we as humans feel the need to charge head first into train wrecks...maybe it's a challenge for ourselves? I've read some Sylvia Brown books and she says that on the otherside we predetermine the life path we want to take, right down to the most minute challenge. Sometimes I sit back and wonder why on earth I chose a specific life, or like in the case with my brother and his son, why they chose those specific experiences. But, we're all on this earth to gain and learn from specific life experiences. So I just keep telling myself that every bump in the road, or every train wreck has its purpose and although sometimes I may not know what it is, I almost always feel stronger for it in the end.


Sat Apr 08, 09:23:00 AM 2006  

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