Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Thoughts

I have been a bad blogger and haven't posted in a long, long time. This morning, while enjoying my cup of tea I was flooded by memories of Thanksgivings past. This is the first year since I was 17 that I will not be prepping the brid so to speak. I received my turkey training at the age of 12. My mother and I would get up at 5 am to begin the making of the dressing, side dishes and the bird. I can remember the first time I did my solo prep...the sheer terror of, "...did I use too much onion in the dressing?...will the gravy break and be lumpy?....did I use too much sour cream in the mashed potatoes?"...what a surprise when I discovered that everybody liked it! Since then I've been appointed the Maker of the Thanksgiving Feast (except for that one year my sister got a bit deep in her cups and tried to feed everybody raw turkey-after that the family decided that I should continue in Mom's place-vino after the cooking was complete). No one has ever gotten sick from my cooking and I'm rather proud of it LOL. Althought truth be told there was a year when I was very sick and put entirely too much sage in the dressing-I cook by sense of smell-LOL the stuffing was green-it's been the family joke, "Should I add more sage?" This year will be different, I won't be getting up at 5 to chop, slice, dice, food process, boil, or bake. I won't be slicing the cheese platter, setting out the pickles and olives....I'll be spending it this year with friends which I am deeply thankful for....so many blessings in disguise.

Wishing you a safe and delightful holiday.