Monday, June 27, 2005

Girls Just Wanna Snuggle

A co-worker sent this to me and I literally howled with laughter. I wanted to share the giggles, fo check it out:

Think I'm gonna purchase one for myself!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Fortune Cookie

I found this in a fortune cookie that I got at the beginning of the week and thought it was pretty gosh darn good:

"What great things would you attempt if you knew you could not fail."

I'm still pondering what I would do...

Monday, June 20, 2005

Grocery Store Experience

This is my blog and damnit I'm gonna do some scratching. I was at the grocery store this weekend, purchasing non-refridgeration items for meals this week. The store was busy, it was sunday. I zipped through collecting grub items and then got in line for the cashier. I normally don't mind waiting in line because it's a great opportunity to observe people when, in my opinion they're at their funniest. Just take a peek at your fellow shoppers when you're perusing the aisles-it's a riot. Anyway, I was standing behind a woman with a small child, not a problem I like children but I don't want any of my own. This woman unloads a monsterous amount of food onto the belt, I'm rather surprised that one household can consume that much food but hey-it takes all kinds and that's all right. I watch her present her WIC coupon book (the federal govt food stamp-like program). I'm unphased by this because after my parents divorced my mother was forced to apply for govt assistance. My father refused to pay child support and it's tough to support three kids, pay for a house and buy food on two waitressing jobs. I think it's a good program and I am thankful that it's in place. HOWEVER... what torqued me off was she pulled out roughly $25 worth of luncheon meat (sliced fresh from the deli) and said "I don't want this." Not only are MY tax dollars going toward her grocery bill, she has the unmitigated gall to waste $25 of meat-the store can't resell it and has to throw it away. I know hard times. I have survived on rice, potatoes and Ramen noodles but I am truly appalled that one- this ignorant (and I mean that in the truest sense of the word) woman and her off spring are getting free food; two-that she is wasting the free food that she's been given; and three-have we become so entrenched in disposable society values that this kind of behaviour is acceptable? She turned to me and giggled. I wanted to smack her upside the head and ask her, "If you didn't want the meat, why, for the love of God did you take the time to stand in line at the Deli counter and waste the counter folks time by ordering so much meat and cheese and then toss it away?"

I know that I should just let it go, it's none of my business-but you see I can't. I think what bothers me is that I know what it's like to be poor and it makes me sick to think that this woman has been given a gift of food and she's pissing it away. What a waste of sperm and egg to continue to propigate people who can't see beyond the end of their own noses. Selfish, selfish, selfish people

Friday, June 17, 2005

Random Thoughts

I think that I'm going to stop blogging. My life seems so colorless compared to other blogs that I've been reading. I mean who really gives a flying piss about my home ownership misadventures? Hell even I'm over it and I wrote the damned stuff.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Home Ownership Ordeal Continues

OK I'm off from work today because my central air conditioning died last week and the guys came to take a look at it around 7:30 am. I need to have a new compressor installed ($1700.00 smack-a-roos folks) sometime next week. I can't complain about the Krause Heating and Cooling guys because the same company refurbished my roof and did an excellent job. If you're in the Baltimore area I would highly reccomend these people for any home improvement or remodelling job. They're FABULOUS!

Moving on (no pun intended)...I will never-ever purchase any product from Sears again. My fridge died so I went to the local Sears store, ordered a new fridge, set up the delivery and thought everything was jake. The new fridge was delivered around May 28th and promptly died a week later. I called and got a repair man in who told me that I needed a new fridge-fine-he ordered one and again I thought everything was jake. The morning of the delivery (mind you this is two weeks without refridgeration going on three weeks) I got a phone call from them saying that they couldn't deliver and I'd have to wait yet another week. I was having none of that nonsence so I called and cancelled the order. What happened to pride in craftsmanship and customer service? It ain't at Sears anymore.
So...went on line to Best Buy and ordered another fridge. *sigh* I just got an e mail from them saying that delivery should be sometime after June 29th, which would be fine if I wouldn't be selling my house. My closing is on June 30th at 1pm which means that I need to have a blasted fridge before the new owner walks through on that morning. Why is home ownership such an ordeal? And why is appliance delivery a gauntlet of terror? Does life really need to be this complicated?
I will be so glad to get out of this house it scares me. On a more positive note it's been one hell of a learning experience and I doubt I'll forget it.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Instead of packing last night I found myself watching Shrek 2 for the 40th time. I'm not sure what it is about this movie but I just can't stop watching it. I think it's the ending sequence with the Fairy GodMother singing, but then again the beginning filmed honeymoon sequence is also a highpoint-whatever-I can't stop watching it.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

It makes me sick...

The following was taken from the CNN web site:

"WASHINGTON (Reuters)- A White House official, who previously worked for the American Petroleum Institute, has repeatedly edited government climate reports in a way that downplays links between greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, The New York Times reported.

Philip Cooney, chief of staff for the White House Council on Environmental Quality, made changes to descriptions of climate research that had already been approved by government scientists and their supervisors, the newspaper said, citing internal documents.

The White House declined to comment on the report.

The report said that the documents were obtained by the newspaper from the Government Accountability Project, a non-profit group that provides legal help to government whistleblowers.

The group is representing Rick Piltz, who resigned in March from the office that coordinates government research and issued the documents that Cooney edited, the Times said.

The newspaper said Cooney made handwritten notes on drafts of several reports issued in 2002 and 2003, removing or adjusting language on climate research.

White House officials told the newspaper the changes were part of a normal interagency review of all documents related to global envirnmental change.

"All comments are reviewed, and some are accepted and some are rejected, "Robert Hopkins, a spokesman for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy told the newspaper.

In a memo sent last week to top officials dealing with climate change at a dozen agencies, Plitz charged that "politicization by the White House" was undermining the credibility and integreity of the science program."

Isn't it good to know that our government is destroying our planet for future generations all in the name of oil. I just want to ask these fools what good is a million dollars in the bank if you, your children and grand children haven't got any air to breathe, no ground to stand on and no water to drink? Does the need to line one's own pocket outweigh the promise of sustaining the lives of future generations on our planet? It's not like we can go out to a Galactic Wal-Mart and buy an new Earth folks. Greed doesn't do a body good.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Pop Icons

I was at the grocery store yesterday and I must say I've reached my "Britney Spears Overload" Threshold. I am SICK and TIRED of hearing about this piece of flesh with minimal talent and loads of sex appeal.
"Mrs. Federline..."the headlines proclaim...
I don't care that she's hitched to a dancer/rocket scientist, who btw can't be bothered to pay child support to the mother of his TWO PREVIOUS children outta wedlock. Not that marriage supplies a steady foundation for a child but it certainly highlights Britney's award winning choice in a Dead Beat Dad. I thought my IQ was low but this move makes me believe the whole blonde-joke myth is in fact, a reality. They're both Brainiacs-go figure.

Isn't it wonderful that Britney's pregnant?- No it's not. It means that insipid copies of Britney and her Love-Stud-Kev will be roaming the planet one day. I pray that she spawns a great distance away from this country and for the love of God get her fake baked face off the magazine covers. She's so over exposed she makes a well done steak look raw.

Oh she's going to have a new reality TV show-I DON'T CARE. She's a third rate Madonna-Wanna-Be-who lacks originality and creativity. Furthermore, why would I choose to be bored by her mind numbing intellect? (True she's made millions by shaking her tits and ass but this is not necessarily the mark of talent-Christina Aguilera and Whitney Houston can out sing her any day of the week-hell even I'm better belting out show tunes in the shower) I'd rather be watching South Park.

I think it's pretty telling that Justin Timberlake gave no chase to Trailer Park Britney and started sensibly dating women with living brain tissue. I shudder to think that millions of teen age girls consider her a role model and feel that this is a definite sign that our civilization is on the skids. So ends my rant.

Dear Britney Federline,

True you've got millions and I have none.
But I've got more intelligence when the day is done.
I'm tired of seeing your over made face every day
You bore me to shit so please just go away.


Saturday, June 04, 2005

Appliance Melt Down 101

Things seem to be going from bad to worse here in Baltimore. I got home last night, after a two hour commute on the beltway in the rain (fun, fun, fun in grid lock) and found that my brand new fridge had stopped working. What happened to taking pride in craftsmanship? Aren't these things supposed to work for years and years? I feel like I'm Shleprock, lost in the land of the Flintstones. Normally I would just laugh this off and move on but I'm livid. For the love of God, it's only been in my house for 6 days! The freezer is freeze drying everything and the fridge is melting stuff-this is a damned nightmare! To top all the fun off I'm going to have to take tuesday morning off to wait for the repair guy and miss a morning at work. I'm sure to score points at the temp agency and with my temporary employer. I mean it's rough enough trying to find a place to live and now this happens. I just want to go soak my head in the nearest bucket.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Scratching Post

OK I'm tired, cranky and stressed. The home sale and move are making me twitch. The fact that I'm considered a temporary employee only adds to more pressure. I want to crawl into bed and forget the world for at least 24 hours if not more. Grrrrrrr!