Friday, April 28, 2006

Lets start the weekend off right shall we?

Sher, you MUST go see this movie, you have nooooooooooooooooooooo idea what you're missing MWHAHAHA!

Fortune Cookie

I got this in my fotune cookie today and thought it was cool:

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."

Y'all have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Think I might be a bit tanked. Just finished downloading tunes by Weird Al Yankovic and Sir Mix A Lot onto my iPod...perhaps I need another cocktail? I must admit I'm doing a mighty fine chair dance right now minus the bunny suit lol. Cheers y'all!

Rocky Morning

This is; running from the building, screaming, being chased by co-workers.


This will be me when I get home tonight, except I'll be holding one REALLY freakin' HUGE margarita-like punch bowl sized. Sittin' on the couch, foil cone on my head, staring into space tryin' to collect myself.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

For Sher

I know you're having a rough week SO......

I thought you could use a little mid-week-pick-me-up! LOL Enjoy!!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I'm So Excited

No I'm not singing along with the Pointer Sisters, not yet anyway. I GOT MY iPOD! I received my black Nano via Fed Ex Dude this morning and can't wait to get home and load it up. I even got it engraved lol although what's inscribed must remain a secret for the time being. I wish y'all happy trails and happy tunes!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Village

I know I'm gonna get dog piled by S and LD for this but I like M. Night Shyamalan's "The Village". Is the plot flawed? Oh hell yes but there are so many other films out there with deeply flawed plots, it's not a sin. God knows there have been films that are far worse (have I mentioned Steven Seagal? Jean Claude Van Damme? Arnold Schwarzenegger? These are not acting giants folks-bulky yes, gifted in the acting department-no-yet they continue to make really baaaadddddd films). 'Nuff said on that subject.
So why do I like this film?

Great quote, "I don't think of what might happen, only what must be done."

1. James Newton Howard's score is hauntingly beautiful (yes, being the Queen of Soundtracks I have this in my collection-if you like violin with a celtic twist you might consider purchasing)

2. Adrien Brody is never dull and makes interesting choices

3. Bryce Dallas Howard is charming

4. I am from PA and I gotta support my homies

5. It's a great emsemble cast.

and finally,

Standing on the threshold
between safety and certain harm
Stubbornly ignoring cries to hide
from things that in darkness lurk
Stand, I would not retreat
Blindly waiting for you to take my hand
Protect you, I would
come in from the night

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Big Question

I was perusing the new releases at the dvd rental place and I just have one question...WHY, someone please tell me WHY Steven Seagal is still allowed to make movies? Don't get me wrong, there are times when one has to see car chases, things blow up and be in awe of the fine craftsmanship that great stunt people exhibit-but pouring money into this man's projects????? I just don't get it. I would rather watch Dolph (encased in Vasaline and sporting a mighty fine flat top indeed!) in that there scary (looks like he's done some serious time in the tanning bed or Hell-the fake bake is so dark he almost blends into the back drop) picture below than be forced to watch some fool finance another Seagal film.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Recently I’ve been turned on to Bollywood (yes my Walk the Line craze is over). One of my co-workers is from India and she loaned me copies of Monsoon Weddings, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (pronounced cush-cush-hota-hay) and several others. I really enjoyed them lol although Kuch Kuch was like watching a 3 and a half hour music video (back when MTV actually played music videos instead of the really horrific programming they have now).

Bollywood movies have several important components:

High cheese plots-we’re talking a cheese ball the size of Nebraska

Characters breaking out into song and dance numbers that last for up to 20 minutes-my brain refuses to find adequate words to describe the ensemble dance routines, one must see them to appreciate it

An almost toxic fluff factor-these films are so cotton candy they have the capability to send the viewer into sugar shock

Why do I watch them?

Because I like fluff. I’m one of those flaky people who watch films for entertainment. I don’t want to pay good money to be disturbed; I get enough of that watching the evening news. I do not want a film to make me think-that’s what books and the Huffington Post are for. Why should I pay someone to depress me? I prefer to lose myself in a good story that may or may not have a happy ending. It doesn’t have to be cast with “the beautiful people” but I get a kick out of song and dance numbers that appear out of nowhere. I want a plot that beckons like a giant neon orange Cheeto; a bizarre welcoming Statue of Liberty nurturing the cheese lover in us all. Yes bring on the cheese with some wine and crackers please!!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I saw this pic and laughed so hard I wet myself. Happy Mid-Week Humor!

I’ve run out of things to say. Perhaps I need a break, or maybe it’s just spring that has taken over my brain. I can’t stop thinking about digging and find myself unconsciously lingering in the local Home Depot lawn and garden section singing Johnny Cash songs LOL. Yes I'm the weirdo singing "Jackson" in a terribly off key voice near the Geraniums, Impatients and Petunias. Do I get odd looks? Of course. Do I care? Not particularly. I seriously doubt that other Home Depot shoppers can sing better than me, which is not saying that much. Nothing terribly exciting about planning a balcony garden but it keeps me occupied. A few weeks ago the cherry trees in front of my building bloomed, it was beautiful. There was a light breeze and suddenly it snowed pink blossoms; they gently swirled, floating on some mystical spring current. It was a Zen moment for me. I’ve been in garden mode ever since.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I may be onto something with The Film thing.

I don’t think a life can be narrowed down to just one throughline-it's impossible. Human beings are faceted. A stone can't shine unless light is refracted inside, bouncing around on all the cuts, creating something quite lovely in the process.

Intrinsically what is this motion picture about?

A man who "“walked the line" for everybody else but himself. This choice caused great heartache and guilt leading to full blown self destruction stayed only by very compassionate friends.

A deeply flawed human being given a second chance.

A man with a massive shadow side which drove him into the ground until he found a way to manage it.

A stubborn, determined man who displayed great courage.

These things coupled with the sound of early rock and roll draw me to the film. There is a raw energy in the music of Jerry Lee Lewis, young Elvis, Cash, Carl Perkins et al that I cannot resist. I like the rebelliousness, the lack of pretension (the music came from the gut, if it felt right then it was good); when I hear this music there is no right or wrong, it simply is. These artists had no "handlers", stylists, no roadies, no press agents, no bullshit, it'’s honest. But I’m straying off course here.

Do I walk the line? Yes, I never stray from that fine white line because people depend upon me. I'm the dutiful sister, compassionate-listener friend, ultra-organized work-a-holic office manager; all of these responsibilities often leave me drained and wondering why I choose keep this pace. I can understand why Cash started taking drungs lol. By the same token I enjoy spending time with my family, listening and helping my friends and I love my job. It’s a tough balancing act.

Yes I'm deeply flawed-far from the living embodiment of perfection. Do I believe in second chances-yes, I’m working on mine right now.

Have I been driven down by my shadow side-yes, I bottomed out and pulled myself back up. I learned a valuable lesson and am managing my darker side very well now.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Will go into details about surgery consult at a later date. For a little are truly marvelous things LMAO. Hoppy Easter y'all!!!!!!!!!!

SHER...SING WITH ME WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO

Well I love that hair,
long and black
Hangin' down to the middle of your back
Don't cut it off
whatever ya do
I need it to run my fingers through
'cause you're my baby
you're my sugar
don't mean maybe
you're my baaaabbyyyy

*I changed it for you Sher*

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I'm having a terribly scattered day, my mind is on surgery consult tomorrow. I'm proud that I haven't reached full blown "Wing-Nut-Spazz-o-Ramma" level. It's been relatively calm aside from the fact that I forgot to wash the conditioner out of my hair this morning. I only realized this when someone asked if I was using a different gel and reached up to feel my Doo and cringed in horror. Sometimes the little things fall through the cracks.
On the flip side, The Film is not on my mind, for once it's been pushed to the back burner (I did however receive the soundtrack about 20 min ago and am currently listening to it-the Inner Freak hasn't been quenched just yet).

Sheri-lol sing some Dylan with me sista! Lemme hear those pipes!

Go 'way from my window,
Leave at your own chosen speed.
I'm not the one you want, babe,
I'm not the one you need.

You say you're lookin' for someone
Never weak but always strong,
To protect you an' defend you
Whether you are right or wrong,
Someone to open each and every dooooooooooor,

But it ain't me, babe,
No, no, no, it ain't me, babe,
It ain't me you're lookin' for........... babe.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

OK I’m gonna dig in and shred this mother. Watched The Film again last night and thought perhaps a plot breakdown would be helpful in jogging my brain. Let’s do a comparison shall we? I’m not saying that my life comes anywhere near the Man in Black’s-cause that’s just not true. I’m not THAT good. Lets operate under the premise that “you’ve gotta know the right story to help people”-the quote that stands out. Maybe if I write down the bits of story that hit me I'll be able to help myself.

The Story

Boy looses older brother in tragic accident-I have no older brother and a 19 minute older twin sister-don’t think this applies to me

Talented boy grows to fine young man and joins Air Force-I have no musical ability;am a gifted woman but have never served in the armed forces-do have great respect for those that who have

Stubborn young man marries woman he thinks he loves, starts family and begins musical career-I am stubborn; have no wish to marry at the moment, am not dating any musicians-respect what they do; don’t know any musicians that want to get married; know talented people but they aren’t getting married; know people who fall in and out of love; know people who fall in love with the illusion/their dream mate and then they wake up wondering WTF was I thinking???!!!;

Man writes songs, cuts several records, becomes quite popular, and begins touring-Nope have no desire to record; have no desire to be famous; do make up my own songs after consuming far too much alcohol; enjoy playing with words; would love to tour, I miss stagehand work but am getting far too old to continue doing it-would have LOVED touring with Cash-don’t think it could be topped

Soul mates meet but it’s a timing issue, he becomes addicted to amphetamines due to touring/driving schedule (there were no roadies back then), she marries stock car driver-Met my soul mate-he’s dead, I’m still here-really hate the whole timing issue; am not addicted to pills, don’t know anybody with any addictions at the moment and don’t know any stock car drivers; miss doing technical theatre work have dreams of doing it again-there’s nothing like being a board op or follow spot operator-poetry with light-the flow-the glow-the cheer of the crowd-nothing beats live performances and I can understand why Cash wanted to continue touring

He sinks deeper into addiction, she has a troubled 2nd marriage and they both book an extended stay on the World of Denial cruise-am not taking anything addictive; have not even gone through 1st marriage-don’t think I’ve got a ticket to the World of Denial Cruise line at least not that I’m aware of

Doped up man does “Marathon Walk of Love” arrives at object of affection’s house where she tells him to clean his sorry ass up and get his shit together; man ignores solid advice, passes out in a mud puddle and buys a house
-again-my druggie days are over; you would have to be some fucking amazing individual for me to walk 500 miles just to fall down at your door; have no problem telling people to get their shit together and clean their sorry asses up; I have taken precious time, given careful thought/consideration and there have been occasions when my well meaning advice has been ignored-it’s disconcerting because I care- on the flip side opinions are like assholes everybody’s got one; felt like passing out in a mud puddle after closing on my first house

Man gets his shit halfway together and has horrific Thanksgiving dinner followed by much needed detoxification in the care of real friends-I’ve had plenty of horrific Thanksgivings without the aid of amphetamines and beer; no detox scheduled except for surgery consult on Friday which will aid in me getting my shit together; I have wonderful friends too

Man and Love go out on tour; he proposes marriage 40 million different ways; she’s having trust issues; he apologizes in front of a packed theatre and tells her he’s looking for a different answer-she says yes-tenacity is an admirable thing and demands respect especially when put on display in front of 900 of your biggest Canadian fans-a man who willingly performs this kind of action is brave, wise, and worthy. Would I do something like this? The future has yet to be determined and I’ve done stranger things lol

I still don't know what the fuck all of this means.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Embrace Your Inner Freak

Was on the phone with LD last night, a delightful conversation had we. He gave me a brilliant new mantra, "Embrace your inner freak." I haven't laughed that hard in quite some time and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Now about that Inner Freak...I go through phases when I get hooked on a film or a song and listen or watch until the epiphany hits. I was telling him about my current obsession with the film "Walk the Line" and my inability to push the epiphany. OK I’ll try to break it all down.

I watched it 3 times on Saturday, 2 on Sunday and then again last night when I got home even though I had 2 films from Netflix waiting to be viewed-this is a serious amount of time to devote to one film. Obviously I need to pick something up.

I'm not a huge Joaquin Phoenix fan, I mean he's a fine actor don't get me wrong. It's not a toasties issue-those warm fuzzies don't hit me when viewing his work. (Must admit that I like the sideburns and coiffeur-I respect men who do sideburns because they’re a difficult thing to maintain; to keep even-although the huge mutton chops that the late great Elivs had are a massive turn off) Reese Witherspoon is a remarkable actress; am I attracted to her? No, I'm not one for girl on girl action; this is not the "inner freak" I'm talking about. (not lesbian bashing-merely being sarcastic)

Is it the plot?
Not sure. I have a great deal of respect for Mister Cash and his incredible legacy in music history. I wouldn’t call the story of John and June Cash charming; they both went through a serious amount of personal hell to find their happiness.

Do I have a desire to start a career in country western singing?
God no, I can't carry a tune to save my life.

Favorite parts of the film:

“How do you expect to help people if you don’t know the right story?”-his brother Jack says while studying

John and June singing Dylan’s “It Ain’t Me” - ironic because they look pretty much in love

John and June singing “Jackson” in Vegas – I have the actual recording of them singing it. You can hear how much fun they were having-their affection is contagious and quite tangible.

So what common denominator can I boil all of this down to? Where is the thread that links this hodge podge together? I’m reasonably intelligent, tenacious and will eventually sort all of this out but right now I wish the answer would just come to me in a dream lol-would make it sooooooooo much easier to figure out.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Which Hobbit Are You ? Test

Meriadoc Brandybuck

You are 7% Insular, 61% Sociable, and 38% Cupiditous!

You enjoy the good things in life and have the friends to prove it. Your outgoing ways win friends quickly and easily, and while you like an adventure every once and while you'd be much happier at home where the fire is warm and the ale is nicely chilled. You like the recognition that comes from being an accomplished and popular member of your community.
(Pictured Pippin....and...Merry)

I bought it until 38% Cupiditous=greedy; I'm anything but greedy and generally wind up giving everything away lol

Saturday, April 08, 2006

This Week's Music

1. The Man Comes Around-Johnny Cash

2. Good Hearted Woman-Waylon & Willie

3. Behind Closed Doors-Charlie Rich

4. Cocaine Blues-Johnny Cash

5. Walkin' After Midnight-Patsy Cline

6. Ain't That Lonely Yet-Dwight Yoakam

7. Golden Ring-George Jones & Tammy Wynette

8. Breathless-Jerry Lee Lewis

9. Good Girl's Gonna Go Bad-Tammy Wynette

10. Only Daddy That'll Walk the Line-Waylon Jennings

lol I'm still in full blown country mode !

Friday, April 07, 2006


I'm feeling a bit under the weather today, might be flu, might be sugar shock from saccharine blogs that I stumbled upon, lol or it could be that dental surgery that I had yesterday lol either way I have an overwhelming desire to hurl.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Today's Topic:

Train Wrecks

It's not the literal train car pile up I'm referring to; it's the human kind. Defined as a personal disaster of epic proportion; the inability to stop and look at the invading army to determine the severity of their onslaught; intentional and unconscious desire for unlimited heartache, stupidity and performing general acts of personal humiliation. We all have done this or watched those that we care for experience it; which begs the question-why? Why do we do it and if others can see it coming and try to warn us, why don't we listen? Are human beings so obtuse that vision beyond one's own navel is impossible? (I include myself in this goofiness) Chugging down the tracks of life, unavoidable disaster looms, friends and complete strangers, in abject horror bear witness to possible agony, they sound blasts of warning-we ignore them and continue flying along until heartache, wounded soul and diminished ego pile up like derailed boxcars and we are forced to stop by the brutal force raining down upon us.
Why do we do this?
Why do we choose not to listen?
I have no definitive answer yet, still working on it.
Got any clues? Don't be shy, reply.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

It's ALLLLL about The Estrogen

Got this from my baby sister and thought I'd pass it along.

Pregnancy, Estrogen and Women

Q: Should I have a baby after 35?
A: No, 35 children is enough.

Q: I'm two months pregnant now. When will my baby move?
A: With any luck, right after he finishes college.

Q: What is the most reliable method to determine a baby's sex?
A: Childbirth.

Q: My wife is five months pregnant and so moody that sometimes she's borderline irrational.
A: So what's your question?

Q: My childbirth instructor says it's not pain I'll feel during labor, but
pressure. Is she right?
A: Yes, in the same way that a tornado might be called an air current.

Q: When is the best time to get an epidural?
A: Right after you find out you're pregnant.

Q: Is there any reason I have to be in the delivery room while my wife is in labor?
A: Not unless the word "alimony" means anything to you.

Q: Is there anything I should avoid while recovering from childbirth?
A: Yes, pregnancy.

Q: Do I have to have a baby shower?
A: Not if you change the baby's diaper very quickly.

Q: Our baby was born last week. When will my wife begin to feel and act normal again?
A: When the kids are in college.


Everyone around you has an attitude problem.You're adding chocolate chips to your cheese omelet.

The dryer has shrunk every last pair of your jeans.

Your husband is suddenly agreeing to everything you say.

You're using your cellular phone to dial up every bumper sticker that says: "How's my driving-call 1- 800-".

Everyone's head looks like an invitation to batting practice.

Everyone seems to have just landed here from "outer space".

You're sure that everyone is scheming to drive you crazy.

The ibuprofen bottle is empty and you bought it yesterday.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Bad Hair Day

7:20 am-alarm pulls me from strange dream about Willem Dafoe being chased through an apple orchard. He was leaping like Superman over the trees calling, "Do you really need me for that?"

7:21 am-stare at the alarm clock in horror and wonder how many times I hit the snooze button because I have no memory of hearing the blasted thing go off

7:24 am-dash to bathroom using enough profanity to make paint peel

7:37 am-finish shower-do skin care-start to apply deodorant-stop when solid stick pops out of container and breaks into little itty bitty cake like pieces on the bathroom floor; realize I forgot to get more deodorant at the store and cringe-could be a stinky day

7:39 am-look at mirror reflection-I have the largest zit known to humankind on my face-while applying mascara I poke myself in the eye-realize I'm going to be blind and stinky

7:43 am-blow dry hair and begin renewed profanity; I'm in the process of growing my short hair to a longer length. The problem with this is I can do nothing with my Doo and now resemble one of the Bay City Rollers. I'll be blind, stinky and a dork. (See pic-dude in back, standing, wearing white-yeppers I'm sporting that Doo today)

7:47 am-hop in the Battle Beetle pop in some Dwight Yoakam, he tells me he ain't that lonely yet-amen brother I can dig it-sing along with him--kick on the after burner, praise the Universe for Dwight and the guy who invented turbo

8:05 am-arrive at my desk; get urgent e mails-Chowda needs a rental car ASAP; Miguel has misplaced his expense report-Travel and Expense Dept are breathing fire on him and I need to find the nearest extinguisher; my boss forgot to forward her phone and asks me to do it for her; someone left a coffee pot on the burner last night and the whole floor reeks of singed grounds; Danger Will Robinson Secuirty Breach-somone has stolen 9 reams of paper; the color Xerox is oozing green slime; Waylon Jennings is telling me about the only Daddy who will walk the line; Lurch has misplaced his DOD Security clearance card and they won't let him in the building-can I help him with this?

8:15 am-listen to Charlie Rich (I'm in full blown country music mode at the moment) tell me what goes on behind closed doors, sip tea; things could be far worse

Monday, April 03, 2006

It's a Monday

There are days when I commit random acts of stupidity and today juuusstttt happens to be one of them. I woke up on time, lingered in the shower, poofed the hair, applied the makeup-complimented myself on looking mighty fine and left the house. Scampered into work and saw my reflection in the elevator doors...something was amiss. My mind tripped...

Houston we have a problem...
Lipstick on the teeth? Nope
War paint Blush? Nope-blended well
Slip hanging out-that's a negatory
Bozo the Clown stray hairs? everything's in the green Mission Control


As I exited, it dawned on me. I was wearing my shirt backwards (the decorative buttons around the collar were on my back instead of the front). Now this in itself is not a crime and quite frankly it breaks me up however, there were 3 suits in our waiting room that I had to walk past to get to my desk. Let us discuss the embarassment factor shall we? I tried to play it cool, be nonchalant and not giggle my ass off then one of the guys says, "Nice shirt" I wanted to shrivel up and crawl under my desk. Being a huge Howard Jones fan (Mister Happy Songs from the 80's for the youngsters) I'm gonna work the positive angle, things can only get better whoa whoa whoa whoaaaa LMAO

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Film Fest Chez Bea

I finally got a widescreen copy of "Walk The Line" and was delighted. My mother adored Waylon Jennings and believe it or not I received his greatest hits as my first piece of vinyl. I grew up hearing George Jones, Tammy Wynette, Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, Loretta Lynn and Crystal Gayle; these are still my favs today. I'm not sure what it is about the film but I can't stop watching it (think it might be the deep voice factor lol). I rented it yesterday morning and have seen it 3 times. (I often watch films more than once to pick up niggly bits that I might have missed the first or second time 'round) I think it might have to do with the nostalgia factor. The film depicts the early life of Johnny Cash and highlights the early days of rock and roll-those days of musical "lightening in a bottle" with The Giants; young Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Roy Orbison, and Cash. These artists are responsible for the music we hear today, without their contributions what the frig would we be listening to? Not to give the plot away but I sobbed like a child during the whole proposal scene...priceless. The man had balls of steel-damn! Cash was one hell of a talented man and you've gotta give him heaps of credit for being tenacious. Stupid, he was not. If you haven't had the chance to see it, please take the time to check it out, it's a worthwhile and honest piece of work.

The 2nd movie was "The Weatherman" starring Michael Caine and Nicholas Cage. A rather odd movie, strangely comforting but I really can't tell you why. It's also made me terribly curious about taking up archery-seriously! In high school I was pretty darned good with a bow and arrow. I enjoyed loosing on the straw targets. I don't know if I could recommend this movie without telling you why I liked it. There's a quote from it that seems to resonate with me lol "It's never easy being a grown up". I suppose it's how you look at things, the life process, making choices etc..there are days when it is easy and there are days when it's nerve wrackingly impossible lol. Rent at will is my advice lol

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Bea-ster Strikes Back

Thankfully the end of quarter is over and my life has returned to a somewhat normal pace. I will not post anything the last two weeks of June, it's too chaotic. Plus, I don't think it's fair to unleash my stressed out ass on innocent readers. There was a time I could eat pressure for breakfast, lol that ability seems to be diminishing as I go forward in life. So... while I was away I played on OK Cupid, bought several new lipsticks and watched two very fine films (details to follow). It's a fun website with dating and personality tests that range from quite interesting to pretty figgin' bizarre. If you have the time, inclination and just need to do something mindless I would reccomend this site. It did wonders for my mental state lol I found myself hooked on the quizzes and completley lost track of time. Here are some that I took and the results received:

The Liberal Beauty
Scoring 75 looks, 96 personality, 36 politics, and 90 sex drive!
You're beautiful, you have a great personality, and you're highly sexual. You're a liberal with your views and you don't put morals before everything. You're probably a great wife or girlfriend, and you know how to make sure that the ones you love are happy. You're probably fun in a conversation and I'm sure that you are as loveable as you are beautiful.

I scored 86% Saint, 64% Sweetie
(I don't know how the Pope feels about this LOL?)

WHAT TYPE OF MAN ARE YOU ATTRACTED TO QUIZ (like this is a HUGE mystery right???)
*Tough Guy*
You scored 75% masculine, 76% athletic, 27% exotic, and 37% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters. (Now come on ladies, take a look at that pic. If you saw that coming through your bedroom door would ya roll over and go to sleep???? lol I didn't think so!)


Katharine Hepburn
You scored 70% grit, 42% wit, 38% flair, and 21% class!
You are the fabulously quirky and independent woman of character. You go your own way, follow your own drummer, take your own lead. You stand head and shoulders next to your partner, but you are perfectly willing and able to stand alone. Others might be more classically beautiful or conventionally woman-like, but you possess a more fundamental common sense and off-kilter charm, making interesting men fall at your feet. You can pick them up or leave them there as you see fit. You share the screen with the likes of Spencer Tracy and Cary Grant, thinking men who like strong women.

Steven Soderbergh
Your film will be 55% romantic, 34% comedy, 42% complex plot, and a $ 27 million budget.
Filmography: Sex Lies and Videotape, Traffic, Ocean's Eleven, Ocean's Twelve, Erin Brockovich, and various other homemade independent films. He may just want to follow you around for a few months and construct a film out of that. Your humor is dry, but your life is somewhat exciting romantically because you're "bad." At least you'll be surrounded by the best-looking people who will be cast as your friends, who in real life are probably just as good-looking. Then when he wins the Academy Award for your film, he won't have to make anymore "Ocean's" films.


The Hermit
You scored 45 change, 55 wellbeing, 58 wisdom, and 46 truth
The Hermit has mastered all elements of the past key numbers and stands on top of the mountain of attainment. The snowy peaks are symbolic of his isolation; his wisdom sets him apart from the rest. In this position, he holds his lantern to light the way for the rest to follow his path to enlightenment, for knowledge is meaningless unless we turn and show others what we have learned.


Sree Meenakshi, the green goddess (I can't tell you how many compliments I've gotten about that particular party frock-lol-kidding lol just kidding) and patron goddess of Madurai (a city in southern India with a large, well-known temple dedicated to her). Meenakshi was the incarnation of Devi/Parvati sent down by the gods when the king asked for a son. When she was first born, she had three breasts. The gods said that once she met her true love, the third breast would disappear. She was raised with the education and training of a boy and became a great queen and fearsome warrior. She went with her army to conquer Mount Kailash where she met Shiva, god of destruction and (you guessed it) her true love. She lost her three-breast deformity and they ruled the kingdom from Madurai as deities on earth.

Bugs Bunny
You scored 42 Aggression, 71 Sophistication, and 57 Optimism!
You have all the sophistication and charm one would expect from such a high-class hare. Very upbeat and generally laid-back, you are remarkably calm and peaceful even in the midst of the most stressful of situations. On those rare occasions that your anger is aroused, your retaliation usually results in embarrassing the aggressor and laying-bare how foolish he or she really is -- rather than doing any real harm. You likely have many friends and more than a few admirers and would make an excellent leader, if you had any interest in being one. You also tend to have a horrible sense of direction.

52 % Nerd, 43% Geek, 69% Dork
For The Record:
A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.
You scored better than half in Nerd and Dork, earning you the coveted title of:
Tri-Lamb Material
The classic, "80's" nerd, you are what most people think of when they think "nerd," largely due to 80's movies like Revenge of the Nerds and TV shows like Head of the Class. You're exceptionally bright and smart, and partly because of that have never quite fit in with your peers or social groups. Perhaps you've realized, or will someday, that it is possible to retain all of the things that you like about being brilliant and still make peace with the social cliques around you. Or maybe you won't--it's really not necessary. As the brothers of Lambda Lambda Lambda discovered, you're fine just the way you are and can take pride in that. I mean, who wants to be like Ogre, right!?

ISFJ-The Protector
You scored 50 I versus E, 80 N versus S, 20 F versus T, and 80 J versus P!
Your ideal romantic partner is known as the protector. As a partner, this type is generous and gentle. Occasionally they may be taken for granted because of this fact. They are tireless in providing acts of service for their loved ones. They run the risk of always being exhausted because they won't say no to their partners. They are sensitive to criticism and will withdraw rather than fight back. They wish to be appreciated for their loyalty and whole hearted nuturing. Their values must be respected and they thrive on consideration and kindness.