Tuesday, January 31, 2006

LD Tagged Me

OK got tagged by LD and here is my response:

1. What are the 3 stupidest things you've ever done in your life?

One-I should have married Callahan when he asked me. He knew me best, loved me for my flaws and I miss his spirit greatly.

Two-I made the collossal blunder of starting an affair with a married man-not well done of me.

Three-I have a habit of doing stupid things on a daily basis so it's hard to pin it down to just three.

2. At the current moment, who has the most influence in your life?

LD probably has the most influence. He is my confidant (sp?) and sounding board. He's the only person outside of my family that has known me for a considerable amount of time. He's like a big brother to me.

3. If you were given a time machine that functioned, and you were allowed to only pick up five people to dine with, who would you pick?

1. Noel Coward-he was just too damned witty for words
2. My Callahan
3. Queen Elizabeth the First
4. King Henry of Navarre
5. Walt Whitman

4. If you had three wishes that were not supernatural, what would they be?

1. To become an excellent writer, and be able to make a living doing it.
2. My most devout wish is for the human race to wake up and stop doing shitty things to each other-we're all in this together. A little less aggression...a little more compassion folks is the name of the game.
3. Prosperity for my friends and family.

5. Someone is visiting your hometown/place where you live at the moment. Name two things you regret your city not having, and two things people should avoid.

one-better marked street signs, it's terrribly easy to get lost in my neck of Granolaville
two-a decent cinema

Things to avoid.

Don't eat the yellow snow; rush hour on 95, 695 and 495; bad chinese food.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Me...right now...

*PSSSSTTTT*....Click the title link...This is me at my computer right now...not really me, but you'll get the idea...

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Ticket to Hell

My newest niece (Katherine Grace) was christened/baptized this morning...it was hell. Let us go back in time, gentle readers, to last night. My family clan was gathered (as in celtic clan not The Klan), the usual drill with the brothers-in-alcohol only this time the damage was done with them drinking beer and me delving into the monster stash of sparkling wines in the fridge. T (my twin sister's husband) announced that they didn't drink sparkling wine and had received many bottles as gifts...so I decided to help them reduce their overstocked supply by two bottles by the end of the evening. I am not a lush, I do not consume such quantities unless I'm around people that I'm comfortable with. I'm a happy, trusting drunk so I must be very careful of the company I keep when quaffing alcoholic bevvies. Enough said 'bout that subject for the there is a tale to tell.

This morning I was awakened by two little people (not leprechauns), my nephew and niece were standing next to my bed in the basement and their breathing roused me. It's not that their kid breath was loud, it's the fact that my head was the size of North Dakota and a mouse fart would've induced great pain in me. They said, "Good morning Aunt Bea. Pee Paw (grandpa) is going to take us to McDonalds, we're going to get pancakes and eggs. Daddy (brother-in-alcohol-J-married to my baby sister K) told us to come down here to see what you want?"
They giggle.
I grinned painfully and murmured, "Anything greasy please."
The decibals of their breathing increased, "Pee Paw said he would take us just the way we are."
I wonder what they meant by that and pried my eyes open. Two little faces were peering at me, they were wearing Underoos; Sleeping Beauty for my niece and my nephew sported Superman.
My wine soaked voice croaked, "I'm sure Ronald McDonald wouldn't mind your attire but I think Pee Paw had something different in mind."
Pain reverberated in my brain as they scampered upstairs calling, "Anything greaaasssyyyy Dadddy"
I fell back asleep.

An hour later, I stumbled upstairs. A baby dragon used my mouth as a pottie and I must locate my overnight bag to wash the taste from my mouth. Pee Paw (my father) was seated at the table dressed in a black suit bearing a remarkable resemblence to Marlon Brando in The Godfather. Both sisters were wrangling the wee folk upstairs to get them dressed. Brother-in-alcohol J offered me a sausage biscuit and a large glass of tomato juice. We both looked like Clint Eastwood, this was not a good sign, he grumbled that T was not out of bed yet. (It was 9:30 am) We had to be at the church by 10:30.
I scarfed my grub and downed the juice knowing that I had to put aside my misery to get my lush ass in gear. The shower was torture but I managed to get dressed and ready.

We get to the church, I rode with J and K. On the way there, J was ripping SBDs (silent but deadly) farts forcing all of our eyes to water. He couldn't help it, they'd been drinking Honey Browns and they always make you gassy. By the time we exited the vehicle I wanted to die. I felt like the bottom of a bird cage and had been forced to inhale 20 minutes of truly foul air.

My sister B and her husband T attend an interesting catholic church. It's not the normal rigid catholic structure. The mass is said in the round, there is no altar at the front, no baptismal font in the side knave, no pews...just metal folding chairs set up in concentric rings around a table in the center of this huge circular room. The Guggenheim it ain't but hey everybody's got a right to express their faith. Before we entered the church this dude came up and asked that three of our party present the gifts..my sister K volunteered me, J and herself. I wanted to club her, but this was not the right time. J turned to me, I felt his pain and said nothing.

Our merry little band entered the church, which was packed, nothing like a massive hangover and a killer entrance. We're all dressed to the nines while the other attendees were more casually clad. Strains of The Sopranos theme played in my head as we sauntered down the aisle, oh yeah, this was going to be fun. I wanted to run screaming from the building but couldn't quite muster the courage. We were led to the inner-most circle, right in front of the "altar" and the entire congregation. I was overwhelmed by a desire to crawl underneath the altar skirt and fall asleep but doubted my family would appreciate the action, so I tamped it down and found a seat next to brother-in-alcohol J.

The priest entered, he looked like Joe Montana, J whispered to me, "Wow, he's hot. If he wasn't a priest I'd do him. He looks like he works out a lot." (LD keep you comments to yourself OK. I'm truly hung and beg for your mercy.)
I started laughing, so hard in fact that I began to snort. Members of the congregation stared at me and I tried to hide discreetly behind the hymnal. My sister K cast a questioning glance at me and punched J in the shoulder.

As Father Joe walked up the aisle I heard Elvis in my head...."a little less conversation..a little more action please...all this aggrivation ain't satisfactionin' me...a little more bite...a little less bark...a little less fight...a little more spark...close your mouth and open up your heart...satisfy me baby..." at this point I realized I was in hell. Father Joe got to the altar and Elvis crescendoed with, "come on...come on...come on!!!" I had been forced to sit through a mass with a studly priest and Elvis won't quit singing in my head...I wanted to stick a fork in my eye.

My brain wouldn't stop thumping and Father Joe kept staring at me. My pained expression appeared to be causing him some concern. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash, my sister K had just taken a pic of me. I turned and asked her what she was doing. She whispered, "I needed to preserve the moment. You look miserable."
Nothing says lovin' like a family that rejoices in your misery.

I made it half way through the mass without incident, I'm proud of my self control. K pinched me and whispered that I was to follow her. I realized it was time to do the offering thing. In most Catholic masses the priest has the Eucharist/bread and goblet of wine in a niche near the altar...no such luck in this church...I got out in the hall and realized that I was going to have to bring in the bread cubes and hand them Father Montana. J grabbed the pitcher of grape juice, K lifted a basket filled with boxes of Cheereos (I have no idea what they're supposed to symbolize) and I was stuck with the bowl of bread. J giggled, "He's hot isn't he?"
"Bastard" I muttered and picked up the bowl.
We strolled up the aisle and J handed Father Joe the pitcher. K placed the basket of Cheereos in front of the altar. Father Joe turned to me, took the bread and leaned down, "I couldn't help noticing that you don't look well. Is everything all right?"
Humiliation crept through me, I heard J stifle a laugh.
"I'm a bit hung Father. It's not your service." was all I could manage and I quickly hustled back to my seat. I couldn't believe I'd just told a priest, a hunky priest, that I was hung over. Through the remainder of the service/baptism my greatest wish was for the earth to open up and swallow me.

Thankfully Katherine Grace was baptized without a hitch. We exited the church, got into the vehicles and endured another fart infested 20 min ride back to my sister's house.

Thank God I'm home now! LOL

Saturday, January 28, 2006

7 Songs

I got tagged by LD for a listing of seven songs that I've been perpetually playing in my iTunes lately. This is not Bea's Grand Song Listing of all Time-just a sample.

SEVEN SONGS:List seven songs you are into right now; no matter the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're any good. They must be songs you're really enjoying this week. When you're done, tag seven people to see what they're listening to

Here they are:

1. Kodachrome-Paul Simon-"...Kodachrome, give us the nice bright colors, makes you think all the world's in a sunny day..." gotta love his lyrics. This song never fails to cheer me up.

2. Thunderstruck-AC/DC-a girl's gotta have a little bit of metal in her diet

3. Devil In Disguise-Elvis-he was after all The King

4. Dragostea Din Tea-O-Zone-a song making its way 'round the internet accompanied by a hilarious video. I'm not sure where the group is from but it give it a 10 in Bea's Wicked Dance Groove section. I've also heard it refered to as "Numa Numa".

5. Sunday Kind of Love-Etta James-Oh if I had the power to create reality from song! This is my greatest wish.

6. Jump In the Line-Harry Belafonte-OH MY GOD!!!! This song was featured in Beetlejuice (sp?) and you've gotta groove with the horns and percussion "shake, shake shake, Senora, shake your body line...work work Senora, work it all the time...jump in de line, rock your body in time...OK I believe you!!!! Somebody help me!!!!" (I'm chair dancing while typing this-workin' my wicked groove)

7. The Ghost of Sex and You-Mike & The Mechanics-off the album Beggar on a Beach of Gold...don't feel comfortable going into details in public forum.

I tag Miss Sheri, Miss Sara, and Trueborn. I can't tag anybody else.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

I know it's wrong...but there are times when the need overwhelms and I drift into a contented sleep, listening to another heartbeat.

My Wish for You Today

I can't take credit for writing this wish but I got it from a friend and thought I'd pass it along. I'm not a deeply religious person-spiritual yes. I haven't been to mass since 1988-happily lapsed Catholic.

My Wish for You....

May there be peace within you today.
May you trust in God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that have been received and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God and allow this Presence to settle into your bones.
May you allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.

and rock on with your baaaadddddd selves!!!!!**

**I added that last bit myself just for giggles**

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I think I've lost it...

While zipping 'round the Net this afternoon I spied with my eagle eye something that made me wonder if reality was slipping. There are tons of LOTR sites...many with merchandise but what baked my noodle was a site that had LOTR tongue rings with little tiny pics of Gollum on them...does anyone else find this a bit bizarre? Or am I a relic and out of touch? Can someone explain why you would want Gollum in your mouth???? Please, be honest.

Heroes and Comic Books

I've cancelled my Comcast because it's just too darned expensive. The only stations I miss are Food TV, the Pet Channel and of course HBO (I'm missing the newest season of Rome but I just can't afford $125/mo for TV ya know??!!) I signed up for Netflix, which I must say is mighty fine indeed. I received 2 of my 250 chosen films last night and had a minor film festival. I did not realize that I had rented two very different films about comic books and heroes until I actually sat down to watch them, I felt like a complete bonehead when I read the jacket covers, you'd think I would have read about them on the Netflix website.

Unbreakable - Directed and written by M. Night Shyamalan

I'm a fan of this guy's work. I like the way he writes, shoots and edits his films, reminds me of the Golden Age of film when stars had class. Unlike today where Skank-Bag Paris Hilton is worshipped-I just don't get it? The only talent this girl has is going to parties and worshiping herself...what kind of message are we sending to kids by giving this poor excuse for a meeting between sperm and egg so much press? Getting back to the film which had some pacing problems. Samuel Jackson was superb and Willis can do no wrong in my book. I found it interesting even if it was a bit slow. Not everything in life happens at the speed of light.

Sin City-Directed by Robert Rodriguez with Quentin Tarantino riding directorial coat-tails (sorry not a big fan of Quentin)

Really enjoyed Sin City's cinematic film noir style...just brilliant! It's based on Frank Miller's graphic novels, which I think is a comic book for grown ups?? Don't know, have never read one. Wish that I could've seen it on the big screen because that's what this film was made for. Adored Mickey Rourke, the fabulous Mister Willis and those deep gravled tones of Del Toro. Oddly enough Elijah Wood plays this really creepy character-he was in effect-The Anti-Frodo. He never spoke, wore glasses and looked terribly frightening in a "Stealthy Axe Murder Way". If you enjoyed El Mariachi, Desperado, and The Maltese Falcon I'm sure you'd like Sin City.

I had a delightful evening and am looking forward to my next round of films.

Since I can rent as many as I want I'd like your opinions-gentle readers...are there any films that you'd reccomend to me?

Monday, January 23, 2006

It's Monday

Not feeling very well today, think I'm coming down with the Flu. I'm running a fever and my tumkins is doing flip flops. I did come across the sexiest piece of machinery I've ever seen, it's a Vincent. What IS a Vincent you might ask? It's a classic motorcycle, the finest of them being the 1952 Vincent Black Lightning. Now I'm not a cycle chick but when I ran across this photo I fell in love. I could never afford such a luxury (there were only 32 of these special editions built), I read on a website that they're listed at $100,000 (yes mere pocket change for some mortals). I'm not sure why I'm fascinated by such a fine piece of steel, I've never been on a motorcycle but I would certainly pass the test for a chance to ride one of those bikes.

Funniest Pic

OK go have a look at the pic in the title link-OMG I laughed so hard I cried. It's the guy being punched-a hoot!!!!!

Monday, January 16, 2006


I just joined OK Cupid, have my new nickname and am in the process of going through The Gauntlet of questions...I'm trying to put myself out there.

Bye Bye E Harmony

OK Kids, I think I signed up for the wrong dating service. These people are looking for like soul mates, marriage partners and that just ain't my bag baby. I closed my membership with E Harmony...that is not to say that I will not sign up for another site-that is still in the works. I need to investigate alternative sites that aren't determined to find Mr. Right for me utilizing a 3,000 page questionnaire-I'm an intelligent woman, I can make my own decisions. I'm not ready to get hitched and pump out a few off-spring and raise them the way my husband wants me to...nope-not yet-highly doubtful-considering my age and brain damage that occurs during pregnancy. So the dating quest continues, never fear, I'm confident that there are dudes out there who are worthy of my time
; )

Saturday, January 14, 2006


I just finished my Lord of the Rings Trilogy Festival-the extended versions of all three films. It was, a religious experience. If you're a big LOTR geek like me, you simply MUST go out and get the enhanced versions. "But why Bea?" you ask-because the SEs (special editions) have scenes that should have been in the final wide release that went out across the planet but were cut out. I'm guessing due to time constraints. I fell in love with the story all over again, they're completley different films. The additional footage deepens the storyline, establishes stronger character development and answered a whole lot of questions. It's a shame that they didn't release these instead of the first batch, they're much better although they are longer. I think Two Towers had an extra hour tacked onto it-I didn't really care. OK I'll stop gushing now lol

Friday, January 13, 2006

I've Figured It Out

I cannot take credit for the following post because I received it in an e mail and don't know who the author is. That being said, I was thunderstruck by it, because there, in writing, was what I want.

The E-Mail:

In a brief conversation, a man asked a woman he was pursuing the question "What kind of man are you looking for?"
She sat quietly for a moment before looking him in the eye and asking, "Do you really want to know?"
Reluctantly he said, "Yes."
She began to expound...

As a woman in this day and age, I am in a position to ask a man what he can do for me that I can't do for myself. I pay my own bills. I take care of my household without the help of any man or woman for that matter. I am in the position to ask, "What can you bring to the table?"
The man looked at her. Clearly he thought that she was referring to money.
She quickly corrected his thought and stated, "I am not referring to money. I need something more. I need a man who is striving for perfection in every aspect of life."
He sat back in his chair, folded his arms, and asked her to explain.
She said, "I am looking for someone who is striving for perfection mentally because I need conversation and mental stimulation. I don't need a simple-minded man.
I need a man who is striving for perfection financially because I don't need a financial burden. I am looking for someone who is sensitive enough to understand what I go through as a woman, but strong enough to keep me grounded. I am looking for someone who I can respect. In order to be submissive, I must respect him. I cannot be submissive to a man who isn't taking care of his business. I have no problem being submissive...he just has to be worthy. God made woman to be a helpmate for man. I can't help a man if he can't help himself.
When she'd finished, he sat there with a puzzled look on his face. He said, "You're asking a lot."
She replied, "I'm worth a lot."

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Somebody stop me!!!!!! I've become a Mac Joy Junkie. I downloaded Bricks of Atlantis and I can't stop playing...lol I've come to the conclusion that I NEED to get a life.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I'm baaaaaack...and rambling

AAAhhhhh It's good to be back on line again. My cable modem died last night and I picked up a new one today. I was a bit cranky and I began to wonder what we all did before the internet revolutionized our lives. I remember doing an inordinate amount of reading, (I could devour a 300 pager in one night), talking on the phone for hours with my friends, listening to music (on vinyl-mind you) and watching TV ( back when the Big Three ruled-NBC, CBS and ABC) before HBO, Cinemax, Showtime et al were born. It's amazing how one minor, little thing can affect one's daily routine. I have gotten used to getting home from work, zipping on the Net and catching up on e mails, funny web sites and of course the ongoing progression of my adventures on E Harmony.

Read CS's blog at work today. I hope he is kept out of harm's way.

So my Vonage phone is back up and working and I can communicate with the outside world.

For some strange reason I seem to be on a Lord of the Rings kick. I can't stop listening to the soundtracks (yes I'm one of those geeks who bought the soundtrack to all three films). I think maybe this weekend I'll have a LOTR film fest, pop some corn and watch all three back to back. 'Cause that's just the kind of dweeb that I am lol! If anybody's in the area, let me know. Maybe we can have a slumber party?

Monday, January 09, 2006


OK have been diligent about reviewing my matches and responding to the gauntlet of questions from those scamps over at E Harmony. But I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly? You see on some of these profile things under the category of "strengths" it says like, "So-and-So considers himself to be excellent with his personal finances". Maybe it's me, I tend to be a bit dense, but what the hell does that mean? Why is it important to know that someone knows how to balance a checkbook? Or have I completley missed the meaning all together? Does this mean that the person is intensley materialistic? *bangs head on keyboard* I donnn'ttttt unnnndeerrstaaaaannnndd??????

Other noteworthy deed of the day, I posted my pic, even though I didn't want to. I did it anyway.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Birthday Wishes

Sending out Happy Birthday wishes to LD-it isn't so bad being old my friend. (grins) Go celebrate your special day in style!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

If you need a laugh...

I found the funniest site of misheard lyrics. The Def Leppard ones made me laugh so hard I cried!!!!

Go to http://kissthisguy.com

Movie Quote of the Evening

"Coach, what will it take for your team to win?" -Reporter

"Heart...miles and miles of heart." - Coach

-The Replacements

The Plunge

I'm sitting here, drinkin' a Dr Pepper and did IT. I completed the E Harmony membership thing and replied to 6 of the matches. Part of me wanted to hide under the nearest rock and I felt a bit queasy answering these questions that the people (your matches) select and send to you. I also selected some questions for them and zapped them out into cyberspace...we'll see what happens. Being the poster child for nervousness, I hope I won't hurl if I ever meet any of these guys. I don't have a picture of myself, at least not a recent one. I suppose it would only be fair to return the favor and it would eliminate that look of shock during that awkward first meeting. There was this muscle bound dude that somehow was matched to me...have no idea how that happened? I closed the match, am not ready to bond with Mister Atlas. I mean muscles are fine but there's more to a person than the amount of weight they can bench press. His pic actually kind of frightened me, he looked like the Terminator (not the metal one with those glowing red eyes lol). Ok first mission completed. I'll keep y'all informed.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Change of Heart

While on vacation, as I was strolling beside the Waterford River near St Johns I came to the conclusion that I'm going to ditch the E Harmony thing. I'm not ready to take the plunge because I'm not sure what I want. It's true I have bouts with "The Lonelies" but I need to distill what I would like. And if my neighbors don't stop their hound dog from braying into the night like a wounded mastadon I'm gonna have to get medieval on them. I have been so long on my own that I've grown accustomed to silence, being able to vacum the house in my undies, coming and going whenever I choose, the freedom of doing whatever I'd like to do is something I don't want to give up. I don't want to be one of those chicks who gets trod upon and squelched because "the boyfriend" doesn't approve, doesn't care and can't see beyond the realm of his own navel. I will never be on the cover of Cosmo but there are things that I've done that most women wouldn't dream of doing (this is a generalization of course). I'm not sure if I'm capable of a relationship beyond freindship at this stage of my life. I can always get a pet for companionship. Cats, dogs and fish don't concern themselves with the outward, it's the interior that counts. A happy loving cat trumps selfish boyfriend any day of the week. Eventually I might change my mind but for now I'm staying on the shelf.

Great Quote

I heard this today and thought it was pretty cool. I don't know who wrote it but I thought I'd share...

"Admire people for their attributes, love them for their faults."

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Vacation Lessons from Newfoundland

St John's Newfoundland is my favorite hide away. It's an island tucked way up off the north eastern coast of Canada. Actually it's the most eastern point in North America...but I digress. If you enjoy hiking, camping and breathtaking scenery then this is the place for you. I started going there roughly 4 years ago and I try to do a pilgrimage once a year to visit friends and favorite places (Cape Spear, Ferryland, Torbay, Bell Island etc). St John's is not a booming metropolis but it does have George Street, which is the size of an alley with about 25 pubs on it, drinking is a serious thing in a harbour town. I generally go up in spring but this year I decided to do something different. Contrary to popular belief, the weather is not all that different from the north eastern states. There are times when you will experience all four seasons in a day. The last time I was there it snowed at the end of May and I got to see icebergs drifting by... not a natural occurance in Maryland on any given day. Newfoundland is inhabited by people of Welsh, Irish, and Celtic descent so you know the Guinness is good, the music is killer and the welcome mat is always out. I think that's why I keep going back, it's the people you meet, the kindness you receive and the wonderful memories that will never fade.

Things I learned on my vacation:

1- Boxing Day is celebrated the day after Christmas Day, we don't celebrate it in the States but Canada does. The origins of Boxing Day stem from Great Britian. In the days of old, after the Christmas feast was done, the poor folk would go around to the wealthy peope in their shire and ask for donations. The collection device was a small ceramic box somthing akin to the modern day Piggy Bank. The poor would break open the box to count their goodies.

2-Dressing (stuffing as it is called in the states) made with breadcrumbs and an herb called Savory ROCKS!

3-As strange as it may sound, Canadians LOVE Ketchup flavoured potato chips. I sampled some and they're quite good.

4-Men chewing airplane snacks with their mouths open is just gross. Masticated food landing on my shoulder made my stomach churn, yes I was hung over but there is just something WRONG about not sealing those lips while food is in the hole.

5-Lets discuss the merits of bathing shall we? The pungent manly aroma circulating in the small confined cabin made me quite ill while flying out of St John's this morning. Guys, there is a reason that deodorant and cologne were invented-use them, the chicks will thank you for it.

6-Poutine is another Canadian tasty treat. It's chips (french fries oh no that should be Freedom Fries) topped with gravy, bits of cheese, real bacon bits, and fried onions. It's messy and should only be consumed once in a while, otherwise you'll blow an O ring.

7-I had my first taste of Christmas Pudding and it was quite good. It's a moist gingerbread like cake with raisins and dates in it which is topped with a splosh of rum, set on fire and then a rum sauce (similar to cinamon roll icing) is poured over it (after the flames have gone out). Instead of the normal rum I had Screech poured over mine. (Screech is an unrefined rum found mainly in Newfoundland) After several bites of pudding my tongue went numb. Drinking a shot of Screech will knock you on your ass and your breath will remove rust from any metal substance within a 1 mile radius. Not a bevvie to be taken lightly.

8-Children under the age of 3 should not be allowed on planes when 90% of the passengers are hung over.

9-French chocolate truffles from the island of Saint Pierre are THE BOMB

10-For some reason the food always tastes better up there and I'm not sure why?