Thursday, August 25, 2005

Great Quote

I read this while surfing. Perhaps our government should take a look at it-but oh-I forgot. Dubya doesn't like to read. I wonder why he married a librarian?

"I distrust those people who know so well that God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." - Susan B. Anthony

Monday, August 15, 2005

Deep Thoughts with Bea

"Be yourself, and you will always be in fashion." - message in my fortune cookie today

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Office Colossus

I rewrote this very famous poem (taken from the New Colossus a.k.a. Statue of Liberty saying) at work today. I think I've got too much time on my hands or I've gotten punchy.

The Office Colossus rewritten by Bea

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
with conquering limbs astride, from land to land;
Here at our sun-drenched, blue glass tower shall stand
a short, round woman with box cutter in hand.
The small blade is imprisoned lightning, and her name
Disposer of Wayward Boxes. From her stubby hand
cardboard is broken down; her calm eyes command,
Keep the clutter down. Cries she
with mirth filled eyes, "Give me your tired, your poor,
your crumpled masses of cardboard yearning to be recycled.
The wretched refuse of your cluttered cubicle,
send this; the over used, often mailed, tempest tossed debris to me,
I lift my box cutter beside my desk."

Interesting Web Site

A friend sent this site to me and I thought it was pretty cool.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Happy Birthday?

On this day, many moons ago, back when early mankind all wore wooden underwear and dinosaurs roamed the earth, I was born. As a child, I always thought of my birthday as a special day for on that day, I was unique. For one day of the year I got to pick what I wanted for dinner (since age 12 it's always been Chinese food-scary but true). Mysterious small gifts were always waiting next to my morning bowl of Frosted Flakes, accompanied by hugs and birthday wishes from my sisters and mother (Dad was never really interested in us). I miss the anticipation and joy from those days, I've lost it over time and am not sure how to get it back. My special day has become just like every other.

Today started normal enough. Got to work, pissed off the District Manager, spilled hot coffee down the front of my new white shirt and got not one but two lectures from men that I can't stand. My brother-in-law called, not to wish me a Happy Birthday like a normal human being, but to tell me to drive my car (which already has 234,000 miles on it) into the ground and not purchase a new car. To put the icing on the cake (pardon the birthday pun but it's been such a freakin' joyful day that I just want to stick a fork in my eye) Bacon called to ask how I was doing. I made the mistake of mentioning the whole car issue and he gave me lecture number two on why I should purchase another car and retire the current one. Keep in mind that both of these men make roughly 4 times that amount that I do and have wives that also bring in an income. I guess I appear so insipid that I can't figure out what to do with my finances. I mean since I have the IQ of a potato I wonder how I've managed this long on my own without their financial assistance and advice? It's amazing that I'm still alive and can function without their guidance-the Four Horsemen of the Appocalypse must be saddling up, getting ready to ride and all that stuff.

So it's been a very special day indeed.