Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas In St John's NFLD

I love to fly!!!! Highlights from BWI...three children playing a mutated form of hopscotch on the carpet squares Christmas Day...highlights from Newark...there were no highlihgts from Newark-I had a three and a half hour lay over. OK Made it to lovely downtown St John's Newfoundland for the holidays. There's nothing like seeing St John's at night, the ahrbor, the Narrows and Christmas lights from the airplane was fabulous. It's one of my favorite places on the planet, not because it's the most urbanized area on the planet but because there's simplicity here. If you enjoy hiking, camping or just being awed by nature, Newfoundland is for you. No I'm not camping at the moment, it's snowing lol but the cool news is that we'll be having moose for dinner. I've never had moose before so it could get kinda crazy in the kitchen. Gotta run, more tidbits later.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

a bit of a chuckle...

lol CS is smarmy lol and I am blind lmao...went for a cruise around the blogs and low and behold he put a link to me in his master list of blog sites...I feel so offical now lol I must return the favor.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Holiday Wishes

I will be out of town for the holidays. I want to wish The Guppies and wayward lurkers a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with every happiness.

- b

Monday, December 19, 2005

I feel good, no...I feel FABULOUS!!!!!! Yes I strayed. I'm a sinner and will probably end up in hell. Bacon called and stopped in for a visit on his business travels. Nothing like a wild romp in the kitchen to cheer a girl up. 'Nuff said on that subject ; )


Just buzzed over to Chairborne Stranger's blog (didn't know if it was OK to post link without permission) and had a read. I am humbled and feel like a complete twit. Here I am getting my undies in a bunch over something that is quite insignifigant. Must send a shout of thanks out to him for important reminders.

Sunday, December 18, 2005


After weeding through my matches at E Harmony (narrowed down to 2) I've been reduced to making pirate noises. Yes LD you are correct I'm being a ckicken shit and as I sit here listening to The Outfield (a rather obscure 80's band) telling me about "...all the love in the world" I'm hoping that I can absorb the wisdom in the lyrics. OK I'm not feeling terribly confident and others see things in me that for the moment elude my grasp. I'm not being deliberatley blockheaded or intentionally obtuse, I have great difficulty being objective about myself. I've got a banger of a headache and I'm frustrated by my inability to supercede those niggling fears that tickle the back of my brain. Why is it that the negative aspects of a personality are always at the forefront? While I'm jotting all of this down there is part of me damning myself for being well, so damned self centered. OK I'll stop my venting and just breathe.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Office Christmas Party

I decided to break out of my self imposed exile and attend the office holiday bash. I'm proud of myself for doing it. Even though I stayed for less than an hour I managed to walk into a bar-by myself. It may sound strange but I have justifiable phobias regarding bars so it was a personal milestone for me to actually enter one, unattended. The party was in full swing by the time I arrived, I was late due to some last minute stuff at the office. My nemisis, Bitchzilla was drowning out the pub noise with the her blistering brays of humorless laughter. The best way to describe this soul grating noise is hearing someone laugh when there is no joy, they're pretending to be amused. One of the reasons I cannot abide this chick (and primarily why I want to punch a hole through her chest) is because sadly, there is not a genuine or honest bone in her body. Enough said about Bitchzilla. Moving on...Being painfully shy in a room full of suits is not an easy thing. Yes I manage the office, see all of these men on a daily basis, field all of their phone calls, make most of their travel arrangements and handle every small detail of their client meetings but I do not swim with them, for they are sharks. They're not evil but when it comes to money they are predators. There are a few that I can be playful around, Grover, Gomez, Chowda, Funk Masta G, Keebler, Potsey, Papa Bear and Estebaaann. None of my playmates were at the party so I felt a bit off kilter, no safety net so to speak. LD, Sara and S can vouch for me when I say I am not a corporate chick, I'm too honest for that. In my mind there's nothing wrong with climbing the corporate ladder as long as you don't lie, cheat, screw people over and steal to get to where you want to be. In this room full of fine suits I'm distinctly out of my element (althought I must admit the cologne factor was mighty fine indeed), I'm more of an intimate settings person. I tried to distract myself by ordering a bevvie, it was a bit loud and I had to shout it three times before the bartender understood me. I snagged my pint of suds and tried to act natural, yeah right. Me, in the midst of a Brooks Brothers convention-yeah that's natural all right LMAO. A few of the lads came up and patted me on the back, thanking me for the great job I've been doing which was nice but my tongue got tied and I could only murmur you're welcomes and smile. Awkward does not describe it lol, the friggin' Bee Gees were singin' (tragedy...when the feelin's gone and you're on your own...it's hard to bear...there's no one beside you, you're going nowhere) LOL To be honest it was comical and I found myself giggling. The image of the brothers Gibb in a sports bar setting with corporate sharks and a mirror disco ball a rollin' was too much and I broke out into full blown laughter. Thank goodness it was loud in the bar and my moment of nervous release was not noticed. I chugged my beer and quickly scampered out of the place.

It was not an incredible experience but I made some baby steps. Next time it won't be so hard.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Disturbed on Many Levels

OK read LD's blog and the whole Clark Gable thing has me creeped out. Yes he was a great actor but having a pic of him staring down at your in your hotel room is just wrong. I get the Willies just thinking about it.

Next...I peruse my e mail this morning. Low and behold there are 52 men who want to meet me on E Harmony...thinking the whole thing was a massive blunder and am feeling a bit pressured. In my entire 38 years on this planet I don't think there have been that many people who wanted to meet me. Am considering chucking the whole experience and retreating back into my safe and cozy shell. This is a bit overwhelming. I'm wondering if perhaps this is a joke where I completley miss the punchline? Does this make me a complete and total coward? Will spend the rest of the day second guessing myself *sigh*

Monday, December 12, 2005

A Bit of A Rant

I'm a bit cranky today. I've noticed at work that there seems to be an endless litiany (sp?) of a phrase that grates on my last nerve "...it's not my problem..."
What I really want to know is, when does the issue become so massive that it does become your problem? Why is it that human beings seem to be submerged in their own navels? What ever happened to helping each other, lending a hand and in general treating each other with a degree of dignity and respect? When did being selfish become the rage? (I missed the friggin' memo on that one.) I understand that in order to survive certain needs must be met but why must it be at so high a cost? Stepping on human beings, lying, stealing and cheating to scramble up the corporate ladder...for what? Money? Power? Control? All of these things are fleeting and don't last. Money gets spent, power is just a state of mind and control..well the bottom line is that there is no control...human beings can't even control themselves (I'm including myself in this) so what is it we seek? OK I'm not fit to write anymore. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Movie Quote of the Night

"...All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world Frodo, besides the will of evil..." - Gandalf - Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Ring

Good to be home

I went to my sister Brennie's house yesterday for my newest niece's christening which did not take place due to the baby's fever of 103 F. (the doc said that the wee one's got a virus) One of the blessings about being in my family is that we never allow small things to defeat us. The gathering turned into an impromptu Christmas party with packages, yummies and alcohol galore. We opened gifts late in the afternoon after grazing on spinach dip, pigs-in-blankets and the best ribs I have ever eatten in my entire being. The kids went to bed early, exhausted by the unwrapping excitement and my father and his wife shuttled off to their hotel. The rest of us played card games, caught up on family gossip and then the party began in earnest. My sisters, being much wiser than me, went to bed early and relatively sober. I made the sublime error of staying up late with the brothers-in-alcohol, playing trivia games and quite frankly I don't remember much after the bottle of Dewar's 12 year old scotch was kicked-it's a blur. I vaguely remember that we started watching movies but I don't know when we started. At 3 am I crashed (the bros were still going strong, I think??)...to be awakened 4 hours later by what sounded like General George S Patton's third army division rolling through the first floor of the house.
The basement cum entertainment room bore all the tell tale signs that a bash had taken place. Glasses, empty popcorn bowls and cigars littered the room. I had passed out in front of the large screen tv which still had The Good, The Bad and The Ugly playing on it. My brother-in-law John was seated in the Lazy Boy, snoring, deep in the arms of Morpheous and held the remote in a death grip. I deduced that in his alcohol induced state he'd muted the movie. My other brother-in-law had zonked, seated at his computer with game controller in his hands and head phones still hugging his ears. The thundering little feet, squeals of childish delight and the buzz of a remote control car helped me to realize that the army was not moving through the house, the kids were awake. Scraping sleepy dirt from my eyes I cautiously rolled off the sofa and made my way to the shower. I felt like the bottom of a dumpster and needed to scape the fur from my teeth, soap and hot water were in order! The shower was agonizing, every pore in my body felt bruised. I gingerly got dressed and accidently hit my head on the sink cabinet. It felt like my head was going to explode, not an auspicious beginning. I came out of the bathroom and greeted the Living Dead. They grunted from the dim recesses of the basement as I passed them on my way up the stairs.
Ascending to the floor of activity, I squinted as bright light singed my eyes. I was surprised that I didn't burst into flames. My father and his wife were preparing a massive breakfast, my stomach rolled as frying odors wafted past me. My sister Brennie was chasing her 3 year old son around the house, he wasn't wearing underpants and was giggling his head off. My other sister Kelly was watching my two nieces perform a made up ballet (to the golden tones of the Chipmunks Christmas cd played at ear splitting decibals), compete with pink tutus and lots of sparkles. My other 4 year old nephew was wearing small skis and pretending to slolem his way down the hall. I expected Rod Serling to step out of the kitchen pantry at any moment and welcome me into the Twilight Zone. My body cried out for something to jolt it back into reality. Brennie, bless her non-clogged arteries, does not stock anything that she considers bad, namely caffine, any food items with fat and under no circumstances junk food. I began to pray for a swift, bloodless death and was broken from my dismay by my sisters making fun of the Godzilla fin of hair that sprouted from the top of my head. My father gave me a bear hug and handed me a glass of scotch saying, "Hair of the dog that bit you."
I wanted to reply, No Dad it wasn't a dog that bit me it was a 5000 lb gorilla bearing some mighty fine scotch who stomped my ass to Nebraska and back, but I grinned then winced as every muscle of my face throbbed. Too much alcohol and not enough sleep will do that to ya. My father took pity on me, handed me a glass of tomato juice and some aspirin then continued prepping brunch.
The Living Dead (that would be my brothers-in-alcohol) arrived on the scene and our ear drums bled as cries of "Daddy, Daddy" echoed through the house. The Zombies winced at me as their legs were hugged by supercharged children, I winced back, silently begging for a brain transplant. My sister finally caught the 3 year old nudist, clothed him and we all sat down to breakfast.
My father prepared enough food for a third world nation, sausage, pancakes, scrambled eggs, grits, and hash browns. Sadly the coffee was decaf and not a Mountain Dew in sight to help me regain some semblence of normal brain function. Breakfast banter inculded but was not limited to insects, gross things, discussions of all things surgical which is so soothing when one has a terrific hang over (my father's 2nd wife is a Veternarian, my sister is a nurse and one brother-in-alcohol is a hypochondriac-my family is ruthless when it comes to pity for the hung). I grumbled with my Zombie brethren as we quietly fought to keep food down. Holiday memories were made and recipes for hang over cures were exchanged. Needless to say I was relieved when the meal was over.
After cleaning up the kitchen, we packed up all the vehicles and after saying our goodbyes headed off to our respective homes. On the drive back to my apartment my mind began to wander, so much so that I missed my exit off of 70 east bound. lol I am an idiot, in my funk I drove half way to my old house before realizing my error. I'm going to take a nap now lol.

Note to self-beware of the borthers-in-alcohol and a nice bottle of scotch.

Friday, December 09, 2005

What is a girl to do...?

OK It's 1 am and I can't sleep. My internal clock is off and I'm wide freakin' awake. There's not much on TV and there's only so much QVC and informercials a girl can handle.

Earlier I lay beneath my Christmas tree. I've been doing this since I was a child and have always found it to be relaxing, theraputic in a way. The ritual is this, I lay on my back and scootch under the lower branches so I can look up, inside (Important Note: If you've got a large tree, make sure it's tied up so you don't accidently bring the thing down on top of you while you're getting under it-I've had 3 trees come down on me-no lie-lol there's no sight funnier than a grown woman pinned beaneath a downed Christmas tree cursing profusely, enough to make a sailor blush-also don't scootch too far, you'll hit your head on the tree stand-BIG OUCH!). I suppose I do this because the lights on the tree are so lovely. In a way it's like looking up at the night sky. Tiny specks of light, shining through the night..Lordy I'm getting poetic lol it must be the cold meds. Beauty can be found on the inside as well as the outer boughs. Colorful blips of light reflect off the tinsle and ornaments, creating piney patterns on the ceiling that can be seen through open patches in the branches. It's a different way of looking at things, seeing things that don't normally get noticed...and it's fine if the tree has a twisted trunk, because it's still quite lovely. The imprefections somehow become perfections, I don't know why, it just is. Even at the age of 38 I still enjoy doing this, my family seems to think it's a bit freakish but I don't park myself beneath their trees, just mine.

On another note, I think I'm gonna bite the bullet and do the E Harmony thing. I'm not in a race to get married, in fact I'm a bit fearful of that HUGE step...but it would be nice to hang with someone. OK Cupid seems to be a much younger crowd, ain't nothing wrong with youth but I think it's time to find someone within my age range. I'll be sure to post about "Bea's Adventures In Dating" lol this could prove to be quite interesting.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Random Thursday

I am a bit under the weather today. I woke up looking and feeling like Clint Eastwood afer a bar room brawl. I should clarify that my illness was not due to a night filled with single malt scotch consumption-I'm coming down with a kick ass cold. The day was not a total bust, I got to watch one of my favorite movies, The Magnificent Seven, with Yul Brynner, prime Steve McQueen, Chuck Bronson et al. It's a sublime western with, in my opinion, the best theme music on the planet. Yes it's sheer corn, and technically speaking isn't up to par with contemporary films but there is something so redeeming in the through line of the screenplay. A bunch of outlaws band together to help an impoverished town, not for the money they will receive but, because it's the right thing to do. It just doesn't get any better than that.

Although I feel like a dog's lunch the day has had some serendipity. I called my boss early this morning (sounding remarkably like Chewbacca I might add) to tell her that I would not be in. She called later in the afternoon to check to see how I was doing. I was touched by her kindness and she actually told me to not go into work tomorrow. I'm not quite up to snuff but I would've made the effort to go in just because, well, it's my job. Being an office manager means people depend on me to take care of them, after all I am the Radar O'Reilly of the place, able to anticipate needs before they actually know they need something. It's a rare gift, one that pleases and confounds the people in the office.

Off to bed to get some more rest.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Movie Quote of the Night

Rumak: "You'd better tell the Captain we've got to land as soon as we can. This woman has to be taken to a hospital."

Elaine: "A hospital? What is it?"

Rumak: "It's a big brick building with patients, but that's not important right now."


MSGAP Manual for CS-Part One

Dear CS,

I perused your blog, in depth, this morning. I'm not a stalker chick, I just like to get a feel for the person that I'm barraging with wisdom. You've got a scampish attitude (translation into normal language = you're charming) and you write some damned fine stuff.

OK on to the good stuff:


Congratulations! You've made a step in the right direction to getting your life in order. You've decided to start your own Multi-State Girl Advising Posse! What a thrill! This manual is a guideline and is not intended to be rock solid, be-all-end-all truth. The planet is a big place with many diversities, remain open and flexible when applying these principles.

There are only a few rules that you should keep in mind. A MSGAP should be treated with the utmost care. Think of them as a gentle pack of Magwai (MAHG-way) like Gizmo from the 1984 motion picture "Gremlins":

Rule 1- your MSGAP should never be fed after midnight (only exception would be for that occasional alcohol induced grease fest at the local diner-don't do this weekly otherwise your Posse may have issues with liver damage and high cholesterol-we dont' want a dead Posse now do we?)

*Sidenote-if you should hear a strange lullabye after consuming large quantities of alcoholic bevvies do not panic. This strange tune is the positive harmonics from your Posse. It's sort of like those mental waves that came out of Aqua Man's forehead, the kind that travelled like all over the planet.*

Rule 2- It's not good to expose your MSGAP to bright light. True, a sun-kissed flesh tone is nice and gives the impression of good health however there is that skin cancer issue. Plus it always gives the Posse "Devil Eyes" in photographs-ya know-that red glow where normal pupils used to be.

Rule 3- never...ever...dunk your MSGAP in water. The strength of the chlorine in the water might turn certain members of your Posse's hair green and you don't really wanna be getting advice from someone who resembles Sigmond the Sea Monster do you?

Rule 4- When in doubt, always poll your Posse. Getting as much GNI (that would be Girlie Nuggets of Information) will increase the depth of your own knowledge and depending on the size of your Posse, may provide quite a few options to base your decision upon.

You may want to post these rules around your bachelor lair in case you need them for quick reference. They may be photo-copied, reduced and laminated to keep in your wallet in case of confusion (produced from alcohol consumption see DWI Section)


1- The ideal group should be composed of patient, honest and compassionate females that you've established some non-sexual bond with.

2- Their age is not important. Their wisdom and if they are willing to share it, is.

3- You must at all times feel comfortable discussing your life, in detail with at least one member of your posse. If you don't feel at ease then perhaps a MSGAP isn't for you.

4- Be direct and honest in your language with the posse. How can they help you if they don't know what the frig you're trying to say?

5- There is no numerical limit to members of the posse and over the years their numbers may increase and decrease according to your needs.

6- If you have a disagreement with a posse member, don't let the sun go down on your anger. It is in their nature to help you, sometimes we fumble and accidently thrust well meaning hands into the heart strings of a friend. Forgiveness is the key.

Part Deux coming soon CS.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Movie Quote of the Night

"I think I'm just going to lie here and collect my thoughts." - Shane Falco-The Replacements

The Big Question

My goodness it's been a while since I last posted. Will make attempts to do better and keep things up to speed. I had a lovely Thanksgiving with my sister and brother in law in the Catskills, it was nice to watch the snow while we prepped the meal. We received a foot and a half of the frozen, powdery stuff. Nothing like making snow angels with my niece and nephew in 19 F weather, I couldn't feel my legs by the end of the day. One of the highlights of the trip, my sister bought little boots for the dog because he doesn't have a thick coat and all he does is run like a fiend up there. She was aiming to protect his paws from frostbite although once she slid them on, he pinwheeled his paws around like he was doing some funky doggie dance. Laughed so hard I cried. "Dogs On Acid" echoed through my brain and it took several minutes of non stop laughing coupled with a massive head rush to get myself back under control.

With the holiday season in full swing I'm having pangs of loneliness. It would be so nice to come home from work and have someone to talk to, or go to the movies with or cook for. I'm not talking instant relationship but having someone to hang with would be very nice indeed. Lately I've been thinking about joining an online dating community. I know it sounds pretty lame but I'm not terribly good at meeting people, I'm the one at the party that blends effortlessly into the backround. I've always thought of myself as rather dull so it's difficult to work up the courage to meet people. I must admit that my previous relationship forays have been extraordinarily horrifying, so there is some trepidation there. I stumble through life with those rose colored glasses and am sometimes blinded by that lovely pink light. I'm leaning toward doing the computer analysis thing. It might help if I had outside help. It's so difficult to be objective, I mean seriously-who the frig can condense their life into several paragraphs and feel that it's a good representation? I've never been a big Pub Chick (for reasons that I shall not disclose). I've always thought that hanging out in a bar to meet highly intoxicated people was not the best place to actually know someone. It's so one sided-you only get to see them when they're solidly wasted, which after a while becomes very dull indeed. Besides I don't want to hang with a Boozehound, I'd rather hang with someone who is witty and intelligent rather than the poster boy for Jack Daniels. I haven't made my final decision as to what to do. We'll see what happens.